Episode 33 - Danzig Trilogy Finale - Revenge Of The Glenn

This is a sad day at the I Wanna Party With Bob Bobcast (tm). The end of an era. This episode, episode III of The Danzig Trilogy, I’m closing out the story that starts with The Misfits and ends with a reunited Misfits, but throughout, what is the common theme? Mr. Glenn Danzig himself, and in this one, I will give you an indepth look at the man, the myth, the meme subject himself. We will cover the VERY early days of Danzig - pre-Misfits. We will cover the 1st version of the Danzig solo band. We will end with my thoughts on Danzig and whether or not the guy is a total jerk, or just misunderstood. Listen and decide for yourself. Featured band of the episode is Argentina’s The Broken Toys with a rock n’ roll cover of the Misfits song “American Nightmare”. Here are your links -

The Broken Toys - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thebrokentoys/ Bandcamp - https://thebrokentoys.bandcamp.com/

Invisibleoranges.com interview with Danzig - http://www.invisibleoranges.com/interview-glenn-danzig/

Vice interview with Danzig - https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/6vgx5d/danzig-interview-2015

It wouldn’t be a Danzig Episode without a good meme or two!

It wouldn’t be a Danzig Episode without a good meme or two!

The 1988 version of Danzig - L-R John Christ, Chuck Biscuits, Glenn Danzig, Eerie Von

The 1988 version of Danzig - L-R John Christ, Chuck Biscuits, Glenn Danzig, Eerie Von

Meme action!

Meme action!

Hoping to reach you, Glenn! I've NEVER been so happy. I need you. Ihave offer for tv series. I truly hope we can "fend some menses" & when me meet again, we can smile!

Amazing horror soundtrack for your worst nightmares, by Eerie Von (Rosemary's Babies, Samhain, Danzig) and Mike Morance (Active Ingredients, Mourning Noise). 1. Cinerarium Waltz 2. Nightmare 3. Runnin' Scared 4. Misery's Drag 5. The Witches Lament 6. Half A Gurl (Is Better Than None) 7. The Dark Sleep 8.

Episode 32 - Tiltwheel - Live @ Silver Sprocket

Hello there! Happy 2020 and welcome to Episode 32. I’m gonna start this year off right by going on vacation. So, here is a nice little live recording of Tiltwheel playing some songs at San Francisco’s Sliver Sprocket on 12/14/2019. Our good friend Ben asked us to come up and play the party for his new book release. We did and we (actually my sister-in-law K) recorded the Tiltwheel parts of the fun. Here’s a list of the songs, in order -

1. All I Care About Is Me, My Rum And You

2. Battle Hymn For The Recluse Youth Part Two

3. Fishin’

4. 2:07 AM

5. Make Like A Tree And Fuck Off

6. Hold My Hand To Make Them Go Away

7. Another Sappy Song About Hate

8. Cloudy With A Chance Of Death

9. Band You Love To Hate (This one is a J Church cover)

Note - all photos used courtesy of Oddbotkin, here is their website - https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography The flyer for the show was done by Mr. Ben Snakepit. Buy his stuff here - https://bensnakepit.com/

The Terrific Trio of Tiltwheel. Photo by Oddbotkin - https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

The Terrific Trio of Tiltwheel. Photo by Oddbotkin - https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Sweet wolf shirt, bro. Photo by Oddbotkin https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Sweet wolf shirt, bro. Photo by Oddbotkin https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Speaking of wolf shirts…. Photo by Oddbotkin https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Speaking of wolf shirts…. Photo by Oddbotkin https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Episode 31 - Ben Snakepit

I recently had the opportunity to travel to San Francisco and have a talk with Ben Snakepit. This podcast is the result, a partial food coma (from Taqueria Cancun) couldn’t even stop us from talking about some great stuff. Ben’s track record? 38 bands (by his counting), a comic a day for 19 years and 8 books. Ben is a prolific and busy fellow! What word would you use to describe a human if you were a Klingon? That’s in here. Is your DIY punk lifestyle aimless and off track? Listen to this one for “The Rules” .And, of course, that old Bobcast standby, where to find the greatest burrito in the world. Fun, fact-filled and the world’s trickiest word association. All in this episode. Check out some of this stuff below -

Ben’s Website - Buy his books, they all rule -https://bensnakepit.com/

Razorcake! Your source for all the DIY punk stuff, and Ben’s comics! - http://razorcake.org/

Here are some GREAT bands Tiltwheel got to play with at Ben’s book release show on 12/14/2019 -

Silent Era - https://silenterabayarea.bandcamp.com/

Sarchasm - https://sarchasm.bandcamp.com/

Fleshies - https://fleshies.net/

Wanna check out more of Ben’s bands? Here!!!

Bloodbath And Beyond - https://www.discogs.com/artist/1686038-Bloodbath-Beyond

Ghost Knife - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2F8at5I1Z6HZnP7ZUQ4iaV

J Church - https://open.spotify.com/artist/5cGuLuR5EH4Xj9KKZlcggT

This is a photo of Ben having a great time at his book release show/party. Silver Sprocket, San Francisco, CA on 12/14/2019. Photo credit to Jonathan Botkin, aka, oddbotkin. Check out the website here - https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

This is a photo of Ben having a great time at his book release show/party. Silver Sprocket, San Francisco, CA on 12/14/2019. Photo credit to Jonathan Botkin, aka, oddbotkin. Check out the website here - https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Ben and me. Thanks for everything pal!

Ben and me. Thanks for everything pal!

Burrito Ben!

Burrito Ben!

Ben and Frankie, two very loveable characters.

Ben and Frankie, two very loveable characters.

Silver Sprocket Rulez!!! Visit the website here - http://www.silversprocket.net/

Silver Sprocket Rulez!!! Visit the website here - http://www.silversprocket.net/

Episode 30 - The Holiday Special

Merry day to you! So, this is Xmas, and what have you done? Hopefully, you’ll be listening to this episode and having a festive and hall-decking day. Musci? Oh yes, nothing but the MOST festive on this episode. A Bobcast year in review? Yup, check. Plus a decade in review and some trivia of the 2010’s with my incredible sister-in-law K. Happy Holidays from me to you. Here are your links -

Angry Snowmans - The best Xmas band in the world -


The Eradicator - Squash, anyone? -


Sloppy Seconds - So great, so Merry -


Check out the awesome artwasone - super great stickers and stuff -


Last two - Plan 9 Alehouse and Barrel Head Brewhouse



Holy squash this shit is good!!

Holy squash this shit is good!!

The Blue Album? Nope. Even better.

The Blue Album? Nope. Even better.

One of the best bands ever. The Fonz didn’t even have THIS lonely of an Xmas.

One of the best bands ever. The Fonz didn’t even have THIS lonely of an Xmas.

This is me and K, the trivia champ/loser. I kid, she’s the best.

This is me and K, the trivia champ/loser. I kid, she’s the best.

Episode 29 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 6 - Too Many Bass Players

Proving that a lot can happen in a short time, here comes the Tiltwheel History series - Chapter Six. Covering the years of 2000 until 2003, the years of the many bass players. We had 5 within that period, plus two versions of the band. Wow. Well, one quit, one dissappeared, one was in Texas Tiltwheel, one (very, very sadly) passed away and the final fellow joined up at the begining of 2003. Highs of those times? A very, very drunken trip to Punk Rock Bowling #3 with bassmaster Lenny in 2001. A crazy and also crazy fun tour with The Thumbs with bassdude Andy in September of 2001. Fun, drinking, recording “Twice The Dose” in 2002 with Jarrod, the Baron Of Bass. Lastly, Sir Paul Of Slowfelt assumes the bass throne in early 2003. And Texas Tiltwheel Kris gets a mention or two. Lows? Our dear friend, brother and bandmate Jarrod passed away on December 8th of 2002. I still think about him every day. 212 Por Vida, homie. Here are some relevant links to your intersets -

The Thumbs Discogs! - https://www.discogs.com/artist/1297185-The-Thumbs

The Thumbs Bandcamp - https://thethumbsbaltimore.bandcamp.com/

Accident Prone Records, this is our dear friend Gary’s label - Bandcamp - https://accidentpronerecords.bandcamp.com/

ADD Records, they released “Twice The Dose” - https://addrecords.bandcamp.com/

Plan 9 Alehouse - Best beer EVER!!! - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

Red Bronto Records, go buy some rad records there, would you? - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Lookit these kids! L-R - Lee, Megan, Bobby and Mike of The Thumbs. Andy and Bob of Shitwheel. Chris of the steering wheel and scratchy voice.

Lookit these kids! L-R - Lee, Megan, Bobby and Mike of The Thumbs. Andy and Bob of Shitwheel. Chris of the steering wheel and scratchy voice.

That Thumbs tour was fuckin’ TIGHT. Check out the flyer for the 24th and Mission BART station show.

That Thumbs tour was fuckin’ TIGHT. Check out the flyer for the 24th and Mission BART station show.

An article from Thrasher Magazine about the BART show. Radical!

An article from Thrasher Magazine about the BART show. Radical!

The cast of “Twice The Dose”

The cast of “Twice The Dose”

Jarrod at his final Tiltwheel show - Scolari’s Office, early 2002.

Jarrod at his final Tiltwheel show - Scolari’s Office, early 2002.

JPA1 - Miss you always, dude. 212.

JPA1 - Miss you always, dude. 212.

Episode 28 - Skate And Destroy Part 1

Tubular! Shit. I’m sorry, I promise not to get all “Valley Girl” on you. This is all about the 1980’s, though, so bear with me. First came Punk Rock, then came Skateboarding. The early 1980’s are the focus on this episode, along with my experiences with learning to skate and the start of my larger life as a skateboarding superstar. Shit. I was never THAT. But, I did have a ton of fun. Got sponsored eventually and had a ton of fun, but mostly I just fucking SKATED. And had so much fun, skateboarding was my life. Punk? Funny, but the music was the soundtrack to my life at the time, but it was really so much more. Those ideals from the punk rock of the 1980’s has stuck with me to this day. Fight for what you believe in. Don’t back down. Nazi Punks Fuck Off (and truly ALL nazis fuck off in general). Have fun and be yourself, that is key. And don’t listen to all the assholes talking shit to you, you will eventually FAR surpass them, while they relisten to “The Wall” and smoke more and more weed for the umpteenth time. Don’t let the bastards get you down, in other words. We didn’t, me and my crew. We grabbed the shit out of that bull and rode it as hard as we could. That sounded weird, but listen to this one and get a better idea of what I’m trying to say. From Escondido to Del Mar Skate Ranch to riot cops in Downtown San Diego, this one has it all. Let me also say, huge thanks to John Trimble for some of the photos and Kyle Toucher of Dr. Know for the interview and songs. I owe you both. Here are the some bitchin’ links -

Thrasher, where it all started? Close to the truth - https://www.thrashermagazine.com/

Dr. Know (Discogs) - https://www.discogs.com/artist/306209-Dr-Know-3

Sadlands was rad, help restore this amazing place - http://saveoursadlands.com/home-5/

Do you want to start skating? Here is a great shop that can’t be beat - https://socalskateshop.com/

Do you need a good beer? Do you need to eat some good food? GO HERE - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

Last one. Do you want to buy some records? Maybe of the 1980’s punk variety? GO HERE - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Who was the greatest band of the 1980’s? Dr. Know knows! Seriously the best band.

Who was the greatest band of the 1980’s? Dr. Know knows! Seriously the best band.

Check out 16 year old Bob, what a heartthrob.

Check out 16 year old Bob, what a heartthrob.

Told you I won this shit!

Told you I won this shit!

First deck I owned that was brand new. Mine was white, though, for the record. Goddamn boat.

First deck I owned that was brand new. Mine was white, though, for the record. Goddamn boat.

The Rock Socks “Skate Straight” contest. Gator is the dude sitting on the middle of the bench. Herbie is the dude with no shirt, long red hair and “Life’s A Beach” skull shorts standing in front of the orange van. Maybe the van is red, I’m colorblin…

The Rock Socks “Skate Straight” contest. Gator is the dude sitting on the middle of the bench. Herbie is the dude with no shirt, long red hair and “Life’s A Beach” skull shorts standing in front of the orange van. Maybe the van is red, I’m colorblind.

Gator and Terry Trimble setting up a launch ramp at the Rock Socks contest. Terry was an awesome dude, mullet and all.

Gator and Terry Trimble setting up a launch ramp at the Rock Socks contest. Terry was an awesome dude, mullet and all.

Me and the kid, skating in Carlsbad a couple of years ago. Still got it.

Me and the kid, skating in Carlsbad a couple of years ago. Still got it.

Episode 27 - The Misfits History Part 2 - Jerry Strikes Back

Well, I’m back with part 2, in what is going to become a trilogy, with the history of The Misfits and all of their wacky antics. Yes, this is a good one, my finest work, I would say. Thanks to Kryst The Conqueror, especially. Yes, Kryst (pronounced “Jesus”) The gosh-darned Conqueror. Wow and wowsers, that is some weird and also hilarious stuff right there. I’ll cover the Samhain years, the Danzig solo years, the reformed “Misfits” with Michale “PatriotJesusGunsAlexJones” Graves, Jerry Only’s “What???” Misfits and lastly the current day, reunited and loving it ($$$$$) Misfits with Danzig. Tons of good stuff here, I promise. Also songs by Wolf-Face with “Hybrid Moments” and some info and a song by 88 Fingers Louie, the wonderful “Night Of The Living Dead”. Here are your links -

88 Fingers Louie Discogs - Collect ‘Em All! - https://www.discogs.com/artist/253289-88-Fingers-Louie

88 Fingers Louie Bandcamp - https://88fingerslouie.bandcamp.com/music

Wolf-Face Bandcamp - https://wolf-face.bandcamp.com/music

Official Misfits! - http://www.misfits.com/index.html

Where did the Danzig skull come from? - https://greenandblackmusic.com/home/2016/08/17/not-of-this-world-the-danzig-skull-and-the-saga-of-crystar/

Kryst The Conqueror, storming the gates of Hell!!! - https://dangerousminds.net/comments/kryst_the_conqueror_the_misfits

The Misfits reunion is basically the result of a lawsuit. Check this out - https://www.metalsucks.net/2019/06/11/how-many-more-misfits-reunion-shows-will-there-be-according-to-legal-documents-probably-just-one/



That skull looks awfully familiar???

That skull looks awfully familiar???

Lettering look familiar?

Lettering look familiar?

The next big thing, KRYST THE CONQUEROR!!!!

The next big thing, KRYST THE CONQUEROR!!!!

This is the Unreleased Album with All 13 Songs * 00:00 Kryst The Conqueror 04:08 Thunder Thruster 08:06 Wherever I Roam 11:30 Valhalla 16:56 Soldiers Of Light 21:53 Spellbound 27:29 In God We Trust 32:26 Night Raiders 36:51 The Highlander 41:54 In My Dreams 46:19 March Of The Mega-Mites 52:43 Trial Of The Soul 56:32 Dr. Phibes Rises Again Deliver Us From Evil was the name of an unreleased album by Kryst the Conqueror.

Monday Nitro 22.11.99



Wish I had $300.00 to blow on this.

Wish I had $300.00 to blow on this.

Episode 26 - Dead Bars

November here on the I Wanna Party With Bob podcast has been all about Fest 18. The people I talked to, spent time with, the bands I saw and loved. Oh, I had a time, the best time. I saved this one for last, to send off the month of November with an explosion of good stuff. Dead Bars as a band, musicaly speaking? Insanely great. John as a person? The best dude. So here we go. Dead Bars closes out this month of fun and great stuff with part of the song “Freaks” at the start of the episode and closing with the epic song “You Never Left” at the very end. In between is the talk I had with John. Honestly, that was a refreshing conversation. John has great things to say about what it is to be a band, what drives him to be in Dead Bars and why you can always find him at the merch booth when they’re playing a show. He’s driven, focused and passionate about Dead Bars and, goddamn, it shows. Refreshing because John kind of showed me what can happen when you put your heart into what you are doing. Good things happen, that’s what, and sometimes I need that reminder. We all need that reminder, sometimes. So listen to this one, buy some Dead Bars records and see them when they hit your town, because at some point they probably will. Here are your links, good people of the podcast -

Dead Bars Bandcamp - https://deadbars.bandcamp.com/

Dead Bars Website!! - https://www.deadbars.com/

Dead Bars on Discogs, to help you complete your record collection - https://www.discogs.com/artist/3936640-Dead-Bars

Plan 9 Alehouse (best beer ever) - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

Red Brontosaurus Records - Best record shop ever! - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Fest Official (can’t wait for next year) - https://thefestfl.com/

John Maiello of Dead Bars!!!

John Maiello of Dead Bars!!!

This here is John and I on the last day of Fest 18.

This here is John and I on the last day of Fest 18.

Just look at all the fine records available at Red Brontosaurus Records located at 3044 N Park Way San Diego, CA 92104 or call them at (619) 795-1282

Just look at all the fine records available at Red Brontosaurus Records located at 3044 N Park Way
San Diego, CA 92104 or call them at (619) 795-1282

Episode 25.5 - Thanksgiving Special

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. The Bobcast has a special for you. Music, fun and more. Happy day!

Big Sad - https://www.facebook.com/bigsadtampa/

Info - http://oyate.org/index.php/resources/43-resources/thanksgiving

More Info - https://lenapeprograms.info/

Episode 25 - Fest 18 - Part Two

Fest 18 was such a good time. Hell, I devoted an entire month to Fest 18 stuff, I had such a good time. What was the best thing I came home with from Fest 18 (besides that goddamn Fest Flu)? A series of great interviews with some of the nicest, most awesome and talented people out there. So here we go! On this episode, there’s a talk with Jonny and Colin of San Diego’s Se Vende, Shelby of Sacramento’s Sad Girlz Club and last but not least, Scott of Tampa, Florida’s The Tim Version!! Hard hitting journalism in this one, such as where’s the best burrito? Do you believe in ghosts? Who are you? Who am I? What sucks about Florida? What is rad about Florida? Tough questions for tough times. These four are all champs and come through this one strong. Here are some links to all the good stuff -

Se Vende - https://sevende.bandcamp.com/

Sad Girlz Club - https://sadgirlzclub.bandcamp.com/

The Tim Version - https://noidearecords.bandcamp.com/album/ordinary-life

Plan 9 Alehouse - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

FEST!!! - https://thefestfl.com/

Jonny and Colin of Se Vende!

Jonny and Colin of Se Vende!

Shelby of Sad Girlz Club!

Shelby of Sad Girlz Club!

Scott of The Tim Version!!!

Scott of The Tim Version!!!

The featured beer in this one? Daywalker made by the fantastic Plan 9 Alehouse in Escondido, CA.

The featured beer in this one? Daywalker made by the fantastic Plan 9 Alehouse in Escondido, CA.

Episode 24 - City Mouse

City Mouse and Miski D. Rodriguez embody all the good things about DIY punk for me. Hard working, great ethics, productive, fun. Talented? Oh my, yes. City Mouse is one of the best bands going these days. One of the best bands ever, in my opinion. Songs from and by the heart, written by someone who lives by and for her heart. I had the opportunity to spend some time with Miski before and during the recent Fest 18 that took place in Gainsville, Florida. We looked for some ghosts at the Gainsville Hippodrome. We drank a bit and talked for a bit longer. Here is the result and I’m very, very happy at the results. More happy to have such amazing people like Miski in my life. Check out some City Mouse here -


Some YouTube stuff? Check this out!


Little Rocket Records has some City Mouse stuff here -


City Mouse - The Webpage


The beer this week? And every week to follow? Plan 9 Alehouse’s “California Nightmare”. Check them out here -


Get Right!!! Get this record!!!

Get Right!!! Get this record!!!

Miski and me, at the Hippodrome of Gainsville, Florida.

Miski and me, at the Hippodrome of Gainsville, Florida.

City Mouse live at Pre-Fest, Lucky You Tattoo in St. Pete, Florida.

City Mouse live at Pre-Fest, Lucky You Tattoo in St. Pete, Florida.

Featured beer of this episode? California Nightmare by the wonderful Plan 9 Alehouse in Escondido, CA.

Featured beer of this episode? California Nightmare by the wonderful Plan 9 Alehouse in Escondido, CA.

Check out their music at: https://citymouse.bandcamp.com/ And follow them on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/citymousepunk/ For More Bridge City Sessions Videos, subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/bridgecitysessions Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bridgecitysessions

Episode 23 - Fest 18 - Part One

Holy moly, Fest 18 was so much fun. I think Pabst owes me a royalty check, I had so much fun, in fact. What did I come away with from Fest 18? A ton of great chats with some truly talented and interesting people. So here we go. Here there be interviews with Michelle of Le Saboteur - check them out here - https://lesaboteur.bandcamp.com/

Jeffery of Lightweight! Can I correct myself? Jeffery also picked his own band in the “Dream Band” challenge, which wins him a BUNCH of points in my book. Below is a full set of Lightweight, so good. Check out Lightweight here - https://lightweightpunk.bandcamp.com/

Lastly, Shawn of The Tim Version. Goddamn, Tim Version are incredible. Check these things for more of The Tim Version experience - https://noidearecords.bandcamp.com/album/ordinary-life

Also Tim Version Discogs - https://www.discogs.com/artist/1341169-The-Tim-Version

Lastly, here’s the link to the official Fest site - https://thefestfl.com/

Thank you and Happy Festing, y’all!

Michelle of Le Saboteur

Michelle of Le Saboteur

Jeffery of Lightweight and I. Wooo I was PARTYING.

Jeffery of Lightweight and I. Wooo I was PARTYING.

Check out more of Le Saboteur's Music! https://lesaboteur.bandcamp.com/ And follow them on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/lesaboteurband/ For more Bridge City Sessions Videos, subscribe to our channel!

Opening the Smoking Popes show was Lightweight. It was nice to hear them on a bigger sound system- Donny usually maxes out smaller PA systems. They sounded really good and they were pumped to open the show.

Shawn of The Tim Version - drummer of drummers.

Shawn of The Tim Version - drummer of drummers.

http://www.razorcake.org The Tim Version Fest 12, 10/31/13 Durty Nellys, Gainesville, FL Video by Toby Tober Logo by Jason Willis Courtesy of Razorcake.org

Episode 22 - The History Of Tiltwheel Pt. 5 - England

This episode concludes the bigly year of 2000 for Tiltwheel. We had a massively good time in the year 2000. Japan, England, several trips at home in the USA. However, Ross left the band in September of 2000, marking the end of an amazing era for shitwheel. The Ross version returns in the future, don’t worry about that. We’ll just focus on the good stuff here, mostly - the pub crawl/tour of England. We met so many amazing, kind and wonderful people on this one. Hopefully I got ‘em all. Dickie, though, there’s a focus on Dickie Hammond here. He was our “sound guy” and more importantly, he became a fast friend to us all. A tribute of sorts, the best way I know how, is at the end of the podcast, as well as one of the last songs Dickie recorded. Thanks tons to Graeme of Little Rocket Records and Medication for the song. Beauty!

Check these links out for some good stuff!

Little Rocket Records - https://littlerocketrecords.co.uk/

The Little Park Hatch! We drank a LOT here - http://www.theparkhatch.com/news

Mother Stoat Discogs - Tons of amazing stuff! - https://www.discogs.com/label/106355-Mother-Stoat-Recording-Co

Hottest show I’ve ever played.

Hottest show I’ve ever played.

The shirt Dickie gave me at the end of the tour.

The shirt Dickie gave me at the end of the tour.

Left to Right - Wendy, Ross, Andy, Me, Bruce (owner of The Little Park Hatch), Davey, Justin, Helen.

Left to Right - Wendy, Ross, Andy, Me, Bruce (owner of The Little Park Hatch), Davey, Justin, Helen.

Dickie, awake and pointing out the sleeping beauties - Howie in the middle, Umbi on the right, of the fabulous Duvals.

Dickie, awake and pointing out the sleeping beauties - Howie in the middle, Umbi on the right, of the fabulous Duvals.

Episode 21 - The Halloween Special

Happy Halloween and welcome to the end of Bobtober! We made it, together. On this most special of special nights, let me “treat” your ears to a history of Halloween, from the days of yore, when Samhain celebrations were the best way to appease the spirits, to modern times, when dressing as a sexy Chinese food take out box is the best way to stave off demonic attention. Don’t forget to check your candy when you get home from ‘guising later tonight, as there may be a chainsaw in your Baby Ruth? Who knows these days. My musical guest on this Halloween Special, The KISS to my Paul Lynde, if you will, The Lucious Lords of Los Angeles, Pu$$y Cow! They will be performing a cover of The Cramps song “Human Fly” from one of the infamous Pu$$y Cramps Halloween shows. So, light your turnip, set out your soul cakes and get ready for a frightfully fun time with your old pal, Banshee Bob of the I Wanna Party With Bob Boocast!

Check out some of the sweet sounds of Pu$$y Cow here - https://pussycow.bandcamp.com/

Pu$$y Cramps? Check this out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1whGMlH0_I

Witch 1.jpg
Gomez Addams? Hugh Hefner? The answer lies within the words of this podcast.

Gomez Addams? Hugh Hefner? The answer lies within the words of this podcast.

Ladies and germs, The Pu$$y Cramps!

Ladies and germs, The Pu$$y Cramps!

Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 20 - The Whaley House

Welcome, foolish mortal to… Wait, wrong haunted house. So sorry. San Diego’s Whaley House has some very interesting history, that’s an understatement. Is the house built on cursed ground? Maybe. That would explain much of the activity that has been experienced by many, many, many people - including myself - through the years. From full on apparitions, to footsteps in empty rooms, to a ghostly dog chasing a ghostly cat, this house kind of has it all. A full spectrum, spirit filled amusement park for the paranormally inclined. Visit the Whaley House and see, feel and hear what you may. There is a very good chance you’ll come away from the experience a little richer in the “ghostly encounter” department.

Also in this episode? A few words from the Prince of the Paranormal, Mr. Troy Taylor! I think Mr. Taylor is the real deal, he’s not some two-bit ghost hunter, this man puts his all and more into everything he does. Here there be links to some of Mr. Taylor’s vaious endeavors -

American Hauntings Podcast http://www.americanhauntingspodcast.com/

Troy Taylor’s books on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Troy-Taylor/e/B001JOYTOE

Ghost Tours, yes! https://www.bumpinthenight.net/

Our musical guest this episode? San Diego and Tijuana’s The Midnight Block! Check them out here https://themidnightblock.bandcamp.com/

Whaley House Official http://whaleyhouse.org/

Save Our Heritage Organisation http://sohosandiego.org/ - these fine people keep the Whaley House going, huge thanks for everything that they do.

Whaley House rear at night.JPG
Do you see what I see???

Do you see what I see???

I ain’t afraid on no ghosts

I ain’t afraid on no ghosts

Generally haunted, you mean, right?

Generally haunted, you mean, right?

What the hell is going on in the Whaley House? Ghost lights? Could be!
Episode 19 - The Misfits History Part 1

Bobtober continues with my most favorite band of the spooky genre, in fact the originators of “Horror-Punk”, The Misfits. This one is a very detailed history of the band from the start in 1977 until the break-up of 1983. That’s when the Danzig version and possibly most legit version of The Misfits came to an end. Were there other versions of the band after 1983? Oh, heck yes there were. Were they true to the original? Eh, sort of. Still good, in my opinion, but just missing that Danzig magic. And yes, Danzig did truly make The Misfits something special, with that voice. Dude does have an amazing voice, even if he can be a giant prick from time to time. And control freak. And greedy. And yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, let’s not focus on the negative, let’s focus on a very interesting and somewhat dramatic series of stories of one of the greatest punk bands of all time - Lodi, New Jersey’s Misfits. Lastly, the featured bands on this one? The fantastic City Mouse doing an acoustic cover of “Astrozombies” and the amazing Sloppy Seconds doing a cover of “Where Eagles Dare”. Both of these covers? Better than the originals, that’s my take. Check ‘em out, as well as Bobby Steele’s band, The Undead. Here are some links -

The Undead - https://theundead.com

City Mouse - https://citymouse.bandcamp.com/

Sloppy Seconds (Wiki) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sloppy_Seconds_(band)

Sloppy Seconds (Discogs) - https://www.discogs.com/artist/371904-Sloppy-Seconds

Sloppy Seconds (spotify) - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3G9m3ClSpLacKONiGjFvHA?autoplay=true&v=A

Hello young Danzig!

Hello young Danzig!

Hello sunglasses guy!

Hello sunglasses guy!

Hello Young FrankenDoyle!

Hello Young FrankenDoyle!

Like 1983? Yeah, but with tons more $$$$$

Like 1983? Yeah, but with tons more $$$$$

Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 18 - Disneyland's Haunted Mansion

Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion? Yes, let’s talk about it, OK? This is Bobtober, for the love of Halloween, after all. What do I love about the Haunted Mansion? Pretty much everything. There really isn’t any linear story behind the whole thing, but this is a for sure “who cares”??? kind of situation. The Disney Magic (tm) is strong with this one. From the inside jokes of the imagineers (the tombstones of yesteryear, the names on the crypts in the grounds), to the REAL ghosts of the Mansion, this ride is magical, truly. Slightly scary but mostly fun. The little details though - that’s what gets me every single time. That’s truly where Disneyland shines. The goth side of me falls in love every time I ride. So does the other parts of me, which is also slightly goth. So there you go. History of the creation and building of the Haunted Mansion, a walkthroguh of the ride itself, trivia and most importantly, true ghosts of the Mansion! I love it and hope you do too.

Band on this episode! The wonderous and crazy talented City Mouse! Check them out here - https://citymouse.bandcamp.com/

Here’s a video version of the City Mouse song featured on this here Bobcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWk9RZiAFto

Lastly, all photo credits go to me, Bob Macpherson. I took them all. They’re mine. Yup.



This is NOT the Haunted Mansion you’re looking for.

This is NOT the Haunted Mansion you’re looking for.

“I don’t wanna be buried, in a pet cemetary”

“I don’t wanna be buried, in a pet cemetary”

“I don’t wanna go on this ride”

“I don’t wanna go on this ride”

Episode 17 - Two Guns, Arizona

Two Guns, Arizona is quite a place. It’s random, apparently. Situated right off of Interstate 40 about 30 miles east of Flagstaff, AZ - however, at one point Two Guns was a fairly major tourist attraction on the first road that went from Chicago to Santa Monica, Route 66. Cursed? Haunted? Oh yes, Two Guns is. Both of the forementioned. Crazy uncomfortable feelings there that lasted well into the next day. I think I caught a little of the curse. Don’t worry, though. I’ve been spiritualy cleared since then. No shit. That’s how serious I feel about this place. Check out the Bobcast for some in depth history of the area, but formost in my mind is the Apache Death Cave. Yeah. Death. Cave. It is as bad as it sounds, if not worse. Buildings don’t last here. Nor human lives, apparently. Check it out.

Also! Check out Robot (re)Pair here!! - https://robotrepair.bandcamp.com/music

More info about Two Guns? Here - https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/two-guns

Don Knotts visits Two Guns? Nah, it me.

Don Knotts visits Two Guns? Nah, it me.

Dead inside? Probably.

Dead inside? Probably.

Squatter Station

Squatter Station

See!!! Even the Light Of The Lord can’t touch Two Guns. Sheesh,

See!!! Even the Light Of The Lord can’t touch Two Guns. Sheesh,

Episode 16 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 4 - Touring Japan In 2000

Tiltwheel toured all over Japan in 2000. I will tell you about it here in this podcast. Notice the bracelet I’m wearing in the big photo with all of the dudes. Punk. As. Fuck. I had such an incredible time doing music stuff in Japan, seriously so many great memories. Well, here you are to listen to me talking about it. I love Japan. The year 2000 was big for The shitWheel. Big in the fun department at the very least. Join me and travel to a land of incredible people and incredible things. Wonderous. Check these here links -

Snuffy Smile - https://www.discogs.com/label/104857-Snuffy-Smile

Water Closet - https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Musician-Band/WATER-CLOSET-274403862578118/

Disgusteens - https://www.discogs.com/artist/387019-Disgusteens

I partied just a little in Japan. In the year 2000.

I partied just a little in Japan. In the year 2000.

The amazing Rev. C did a special pill just for the tour! Here it is.

The amazing Rev. C did a special pill just for the tour! Here it is.

Look what I bought at Base in Tokyo!!! I know you hate it, I love it.

Look what I bought at Base in Tokyo!!! I know you hate it, I love it.

Episode 15 - The Hammerbombs!!!

The Hammerbombs are so tight, so good. They have that blasting through songs, beers all over the stage thing down pat. I’m serious, so goddamn good. And they are all super nice people. Bonus? Yes, for sure. Do you want to know what a “Sidewalk Slammer” is? Listen and figure it out, punk. Also, check out this stuff, these fabulous links -

The Hammerbombs on Bandcamp! - https://thehammerbombs.bandcamp.com/

Paper Street Cuts Records - http://www.paperstreetcuts.com/

Check out Rob’s shop!! - http://meteormotorbikes.com/

Hammerbombs - Goodbye, Dreamboat.jpg
Liner notes of the incredible “Goodbye, Dreamboat” record.

Liner notes of the incredible “Goodbye, Dreamboat” record.