Episode 14 - The Dodges

The Dodges. San Diego’s finest? Yes, I’m of a mind they are. They bring the rock, in the guise of four incredibly nice and awesome dudes. We had a good time talking about a few things. Rock ‘n Roll trivia? Yes. They whooped me, by the way. Ghostly stuff? Wouldn’t be and iwannapartywithbob shindig without it. Covered. Listen to the songs, that’s the important part. The Dodges songs. Whoah. So damn good. Enjoy.

Check them out here - https://thedodgesband.bandcamp.com/

The Dudes!!!

The Dudes!!!

Some live Dodges here. Note the punk vest watching. Shit’s tight.

Some live Dodges here. Note the punk vest watching. Shit’s tight.

One more PRB photo. Mike Dirnt? No, no, no. Mike Dirnt < Mike Dodges. Fact.

One more PRB photo. Mike Dirnt? No, no, no. Mike Dirnt < Mike Dodges. Fact.

Band InterviewBob Macpherson
Episode 13 - Oatman, AZ

Take an audio journey with me to the rough and tumble Oatman, Arizona. What do you have to lose, except nothing at all? That’s right, I’m calling you out. Listen to my ding-danged podcast! Ok, enough. So Oatman is pretty rad. A very cool story about how the town got it’s name, a lovely ghost story involving Clark Gable and Carole Lombard and a story about a drunken Irishman who is still apparently trying to find the shitter in the afterlife. Also, most importantly, a song by the incredible Playboy Manbaby!!!! Arizona’s finest band, and I mean that. They’re unique and special and are singlehandedly keeping rock ‘n roll alive. Check it out, then check out these links -

Playboy Manbaby - https://playboymanbaby.bandcamp.com/

Oatman - https://www.oatmangoldroad.org/

The (supposedly) haunted Oatman Hotel

The (supposedly) haunted Oatman Hotel

Is that a ghost of are you just happy to see me?

Is that a ghost of are you just happy to see me?

Couple of jackasses

Couple of jackasses

This guy is pissed!!!!

This guy is pissed!!!!

Episode 12 - Godzilla

My favorite monster, The King, Godzilla. What’s not to love about a film with a dude in a green lizard suit smashing things? Fighting other monsters? Oh yes. That’s where Godzilla shines. Monster X, also known as King Ghidorah, that’s a fight that defines Godzilla for me. Because F a lot of King Ghidorah. That thing is a jerk. Some talk of the newer movies. Meh. I’m a classic Godzilla person. Also, the best band I’ve heard since yesterday - Turncoat. They are so incredibly great. Check them out here - https://mostoffrecords.bandcamp.com/album/i-r-i-s

Also, check out Broccoli - https://drunkensailorrecords.bandcamp.com/album/home-lp Graeme is a great dude and an incredible drummer.

History of Godzilla, my favorite Godzilla movie, talking about the new Godzilla movies? Covered. J Punk? More than covered. Turncoat should be your favorite new band. They are that good.

Godzilla knows the score, Godzilla is my homeboy.

Godzilla knows the score, Godzilla is my homeboy.

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Episode 11 - Todd Taylor of Razorcake

Todd, the Templar of The Totally Rad. What a talk we had. So much great stuff in my world goes back to Todd. Give this one a listen. We have some important things to say, including the best place in Green Bay, WI to get slapped upside the head with a full pitcher of beer. When I put Todd on the spot and asked for some bands that are in current heavy rotation for him, he gave me some good stuff - Vacation, Xetas and Black Dots, oh my! Really rad stuff, check them out here -

https://vacation.bandcamp.com/ - rad band from Ohio

https://xetas.bandcamp.com/ - Texas!!! Evarything is bigger and better in Texas.

https://blackdots.bandcamp.com/ - Best thing since sliced bread

Here is a link to Todd’s labor of love, simply the finest punk zine in the world - http://razorcake.org/. You’ll find so much greatness in Razorcake, trust me. Check it out, I implore thee.

Add “Snake Wrangler” to Todd’s impressive resume. Photo credit - Jennifer Federico.

Add “Snake Wrangler” to Todd’s impressive resume. Photo credit - Jennifer Federico.

Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 10 - Death And Ghosts In The Grand Canyon

What do you think about when you hear the words “Grand Canyon”? I think about how spectacular the place is. I also think about how many people have died falling off the edge and what happens to them after passing. Ghosts. They become ghosts. Listen for more. Sad stories. Ghost stories. UFO stories. Mysterious disapearances? Yes, that’s here, too. Check out these links -

National Suicide Prevention Hotline - https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

Grand Canyon official site - https://www.nps.gov/grca/index.htm

Over The Edge:Death In The Grand Canyon - https://www.amazon.com/s?k=over+the+edge+death+in+grand+canyon&gclid=Cj0KCQjwy97qBRDoARIsAITONTJjZQJUFzopFpUAx524Ho5wHbvPN6d1i_g2usdlQNTk5Lxtf3SrYpoaAkjYEALw_wcB&hvadid=241880575329&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9031289&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9091094925240094375&hvtargid=aud-647006051489%3Akwd-362914055&hydadcr=2356_10355924&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_26g7oj28u0_e

Grand Canyon Ghost Stories - https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Canyon-Ghost-Stories-National/dp/1606390325

The Dodges!!!!! - https://thedodgesband.bandcamp.com/

Drive With Us Podcast - https://drivewithuspodcast.com/

On the train to the Grand Canyon. Pre-Reich Wing bullshit.

On the train to the Grand Canyon. Pre-Reich Wing bullshit.

Grand Canyon Railroad. Free market capitalism action train, in other words.

Grand Canyon Railroad. Free market capitalism action train, in other words.

Gateway to the underworld? Probably.

Gateway to the underworld? Probably.

Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 9 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 3 - Rossi 1996-1999

“San Diego is Tiltwheel country now” Rossi H., circa 1999 or so, to John Reis. There is some good stuff in this one, including a visit and talk with the man himself, Rossi H.! Listen to learn more about the fastest shoegazer band in the world.

Ross and I in ye olde studio, 8/10/2019

Ross and I in ye olde studio, 8/10/2019

Club Mesa, Cabazon and Koo’s Cafe - all circa the late 90’s

Club Mesa, Cabazon and Koo’s Cafe - all circa the late 90’s

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Bob Macpherson
Episode 8 - Ghosts Of The Star Of India And The Berkeley

Be warned! Rough seas ahead, me hearty! Or not? This is episode 8, in which I’ll be talking about some of the history and hauntings said to take place on board the Star Of India and the Berkeley, which are docked at the illustrious Maritime Museum of San Diego. Thar be ghosts onboard, certainly. Join me on a journey of paranormally rough seas. And rough words. I curse like a sailor. See what I did there? Here be some links to related and seaworthy things and stuff -




Episode 7 - Western Settings Interview

Western Settings blows me away. With their string of releases over the last 5 years, extensive touring and just general badass DIY ethics, they are more a mechanical nightmare beast rather than a band. I mean that in absolutely the best way possible. They are incredible dudes and an incredible band. Give then a shot, you will absolutely not regret it.

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Episode 6 - The History of Tiltwheel 1994-1997 - The Aaron Years

Some of my favorite years and best memories of being a part of Tiltwheel came from these times. Also, some of my favorite Tiltwheel songs were written, recorded and released during this time. Fun times, indeed. Aaron, if you’re reading, come at me bro. Also, there be a promo here for a great podcast called “Genuine Chit Chat”. Check it out here https://genuinechitchat.podbean.com/ Thank you.

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Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 5 - The Ghost Of Bull Shoals, Arkansas

We took a vacation to Arkansas and I’m pretty sure we saw a ghost. We also had a rad time on a huge lake. I also saw some huge bugs. And deer and turtles and more bugs, oh my! Listen for some facts about limestone caves and the Ozarks. And ghosts. Always with the ghosts. Anyway! Check out these fine places to stay and visit in Bull Shoals, AK.

Rocky Hide A Way Cottages - http://rockyhideawaycottages.seodle.com/

Bull Shoals Caverns - https://www.bullshoalscaverns.com/

Bull Shoals (the town) - http://www.bullshoals.com/

The ACLU - fight racism, always - https://www.acluarkansas.org/

The haunted outhouse of Bull Shoals, AK

The haunted outhouse of Bull Shoals, AK

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Episode 4 - Squarecrow Interview

Let’s talk to Squarecrow, about everything from the horrors of ska-punk to the beauty of faith. We are a little bit all over the place, but we get the job done. We get to the core of what makes Squarecrow tick. Take a seat, relax, have some tea and hear the soothing sounds and words of the best band from San Diego, California. We partied, just a little bit. Actually a LOT of bit. I hope you enjoy.

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