Posts tagged touring
Episode 47 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 8

The year is 2004 and the band is Tiltwheel. Highlights include - Punk Rock Bowling #6 (LASERS AND WATER!!!), a tour of the Pacific Northwest, where a struggle against rednecks and toilets ensue, the Rythym Chicken drops in for a bit and a contest of wills takes place. Or just drinking, it was just a drinking contest against the Chicken. Who do YOU think won? The 4th of July from hell, Fest #3 and lastly, the time Tiltwheel pretended to be Slayer. Shotgun a beer, call your therapist and check it out. Call your therapist after, maybe? Here are some links to some rad stuff mentioned in this episode -

Red Brontosaurus Records -

Pomps Not Dead Pomade website -

Pomps Not Dead Etsy site -

A good thing about the Rhythm Chicken -

This is Josh Mosh and Paul, circa 2004

This is Josh Mosh and Paul, circa 2004

The Rhythm Chicken!

The Rhythm Chicken!

Tiltwheel at Scolari’s. Slayer night?

Tiltwheel at Scolari’s. Slayer night?

Another Scolari’s photo.

Another Scolari’s photo.

Episode 16 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 4 - Touring Japan In 2000

Tiltwheel toured all over Japan in 2000. I will tell you about it here in this podcast. Notice the bracelet I’m wearing in the big photo with all of the dudes. Punk. As. Fuck. I had such an incredible time doing music stuff in Japan, seriously so many great memories. Well, here you are to listen to me talking about it. I love Japan. The year 2000 was big for The shitWheel. Big in the fun department at the very least. Join me and travel to a land of incredible people and incredible things. Wonderous. Check these here links -

Snuffy Smile -

Water Closet -

Disgusteens -

I partied just a little in Japan. In the year 2000.

I partied just a little in Japan. In the year 2000.

The amazing Rev. C did a special pill just for the tour! Here it is.

The amazing Rev. C did a special pill just for the tour! Here it is.

Look what I bought at Base in Tokyo!!! I know you hate it, I love it.

Look what I bought at Base in Tokyo!!! I know you hate it, I love it.