Night Dangers. Ever since I heard this band a couple years ago, I’ve been hooked. Then Andrew Philp, the main Night Danger-er, sent me a copy of their soon-to-be-released full length record and whooooooo yeah, it was time for an interview. This Bobcast feautures an interview with Andrew about all kinds of stuff - music, mental health, the Midwest “sound”, who would win in a fight - Prince or Bob Stinson (that’s totally not in this episode besides they’re both dead how fucked do you think I am???) and more! Oh yeah, there are TWO ghost stories in this one as well, one by Andrew, one is a VERY SPECIAL GUEST (Hi Mono!). Music-wise, there’s a brand new Bobcast theme song by What Me Worry? and three Night Dangers songs - “All I Need”, “This Time” and “Let Myself Down Tonight”.
Canada is well known for hokey, poutine and cold weather. Eh? Yes, I also know Canada for Corner Gas and some of the best punk rock in the world (Anti-Queens, duh!). What about the ghosts and cryptids of our friendly neighbors to the north? Not content with another episode about Waverly or Whaley House, in this one, I turn to Gina and Victoria of Haunted History BC, those Canadian Mavens of Morbid Mayhem, for answers. We’ll talk about the sisters’ history in the paranormal, how they conduct investigations, their mascot, Onyx The Crow and more. The “more” being several stories of Canadian haunted places and cryptids!!! Good stuff, eh? Last “eh?” joke, I promise. Those Pennsylvanian Purveyors of PUNK, Advocaat, generously grace us with the song “Ghost” in this one, too. BOOOO, eh!!! Sorrrry about that. Cemetery and Onyx the Crow photo by Haunted History BC. Advocaat apears courtesy of Big Elanor Records. Background music by CO.AG Music
All the music I produce on my channel (unless stated) is 100% copyright free and you're welcome to use it for your Youtube videos, film presentations or Documentaries.
All I ask is that you credit me in the description or message me on my Facebook page
The Facebook page to CO.AG Music ( link )
If you would like a custom made track, intro or outro, or would like to show your support to the free content I produce, you can donate to my PayPal. -
or you can support me on Patreon -
All money is hugely appreciated and is used to buy new equipment and gear to help produce the best tracks I can!
Robyn Johnson has a very special family. Three generations of women that have experienced high strangeness in a multitude of ways. In this episode of the Bobcast, we’ll hear a little of Robyn’s strange and lovely family history and one particular paranormal event. A ghost story. Robyn’s ghost story.
Episode Music Credits:
Ghost and The Edge Of Silence by CO.AG Music
All the music I produce on my channel (unless stated) is 100% copyright free and you're welcome to use it for your Youtube videos, film presentations or Documentaries.
All I ask is that you credit me in the description or message me on my Facebook page
The Facebook page to CO.AG Music ( link )
If you would like a custom made track, intro or outro, or would like to show your support to the free content I produce, you can
donate to my PayPal. -
or you can support me on Patreon -
All money is hugely appreciated and is used to buy new equipment and gear to help produce the best tracks I can!
Dude Vs. Food! Josh of Rad Girlfriend Records and The Raging Nathans isn’t one to back down from a challenge. In this case, Josh took on “The Big Texan” steak eating thing in Amarillo, Texas. Raging Nathans were on tour at the time this episode was released, kept seeing the billboards for The Big Texan on the I-40 and answered thr call. Here’s Josh’s story in all of it’s gory glory.
2021 is dead. Long live 2021? No. Long live the MUSIC of 2021, though. Especially the incredible selection of songs I played on The Bobcast in 2021. So here we go, let’s put the final stake in the heart of the worst year of recent memory - for so many of us, that is, by listening to some RAD songs! We’re gonna count ‘em down, my favorite songs that were played on The Bobcast in 2021 from 10 to 1. Spolier Alert! Here’s the list of songs:
10 - Ship Thieves “Hercules Stomp”
9 - Ricky “Spare Me”
8 - Get Married “Astrozombies”
7 - Night Dangers “Another Nightmare”
6 - Airstream Futures “Cemetery Sparrow”
5 - Parker “Ruin My Life”
4 - The Lungs “Vizitant”
3 - No Small Children “Radio”
2 - Vudu Sister “The Girl Who Stood On A Grave”
1 - Houseghost “Yellow Wallpaper”
The best of the best, the cream of the crop. Happy New Year and here’s to a much better 2022. Cheers, loves! Here are some links to the bands, please support them in any way you can.
Welcome to the final episode in the “Ghost Stories” series! This one carries on the tradition of telling ghost stories during the Yuletide season with three tales of haunting encounters with the unknown. Grace and Vivi of The Ghosty Girlz, Pretty Fn Spooky Amanda Paulson and Craig Owens of Bizarre Los Angeles are your storytellers in this episode, plus, Ivy and Hannah of The Ghoulstrip Podcast will regale you with some ghost stories from Alcatraz. Music of the episode by Angry Snowmans with a very fitting little number, “Ebeneezer Uber Alles”. Collide provides their hauntingly lovely verison of “Haunted (When The Minutes Drag)”. Here are some links!
Angry Snowmans BANDCAMP
Ghosty Girlz on INSTAGRAM
Ghosty Girlz WEBPAGE
Ghousltrip Podcast INSTAGRAM
Ghoulstrip Podcast on APPLE PODCASTS
Amanda Paulson (Pretty Fn Spooky) INSTAGRAM
Pretty Fn Spooky YOUTUBE
Craig Owens (Bizarre Los Angeles) INSTAGRAM
Bizarre Los Angeles WEBPAGE
Collide appears courtesy of kaRIN
Angry Snowmans appear courtesy of Ty Stranglehold
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Story Music (mostly) by Myuu
iTunes ● :: Bandcamp ●
♫ LIKE me on Facebook: ♫ TWEET with me on Twitter: ♫ FOLLOW me on Tumblr:
Music used : " The House" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Music used : " Creepy Music Box " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Chicago! Upside down pizza! Hotdogs served with a baseball bat sized pickle! Kayne West? Sears Tower? What else? I say, who gives a rat’s ass about all that other stuff, the best thing outta Chicago since ever is Airstream Futures! This episode is an interview with the band plus two songs - “Brighter Blue” and “Faster Than You Know”. Once you listen to this band’s music, you’ll be hooked, just like me. Plus they’re super fun to drink with and sit around with on a Saturday in the park. I think it was the 4th of July? Ooops. Wrong CHICAGO band. Here’s a link!
Airstream Futures BANDCAMP
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
“Cemetery Sparrow”, “Brighter Blue” and “Faster Than You Know” all appear courtesy of Airstream Futures
What would possibly make Halloween of 2021 more GRIM than a special episode all about the Brothers Grimm? Nothing! That’s why I did it! This is what you’ll get in this episode: A brand new Celluloid Catacombs with Carolyn Mauricette, this time she’s talking all about the 2005 confusion fest of a film starring Matt Damon and Heath Ledger. This edition of The Celluloid Catacombs is brought to you by Wicked Cat Clothing, the world’s finest horror, halloween and paranoral themed clothiers. Next, we’ll take a brief look at the hostory of the Brothers Grimm, then the stories. Oh, the stories. We’re going to talk about a few of the Grimm stories, with commentary by the author of the Webworld Trilogy and San Diego-based filmmaker, Ben Johnson. Ben’s going to tell the basic stories, as he rememberes them and I’ll come in and fill in the GORY details. Finally, I’ll read the full gloriously ghoulish tale “The Robber Bridegroom”. Body parts, wicked murderers and talking birds. Perfect for Halloween! Music of the episode by Murder By Death with their rendition of the Sam The Sham and The Pharaohs classic “Little Red Riding Hood”, plus Austrailian punk rockers Bodyjar with the song “Fairytales”. Brought to you by Wicked Cat Clothing, Sticker Junkie and Midwife Made Naturals. Here are some links!
Carolyn Mauricette WEBSITE
Ben Johnson on AMAZON and watch Fanboy HERE
Wicked Cat Clothing WEBSITE use code “PARTYWITHBOB30” for 30% off your order!
Sticker Junkie WEBSITE use codes HAUNTED for $10.00 off your order or HALLOWEEN for 10% off your order!
Midwife Made Naturals WEBSITE
Murder by Death BANDCAMP and Bodyjar BANDCAMP
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Murder By Death and Bodyjar appear courtesy of themselves.
Intro/Outro and everything inbetween music:
Pleasant Gehman makes a triumphant return to the Bobcast in this, the final installment of a three part interview series. This time, we’re talking paranormal - ghosts, witchcraft, psychic abilities, UFOs and more! Pleasant has the best stories and as you’ll find out, also the spookiest and most-appropriate-for-Halloween stories! You’ll also hear all about the Ramones Ducks in this one. A group of critters that live at Hollywood Forever Cemetery and heed the quacking call of “Blitzkreig Bop” at mealtime every day. No kidding. This episode must be heard to be believed! Music of the episode by Sceamin Sirens with the song “Rare And Daring”. Brought to you by Wicked Cat Clothing and Good Life Digestive Health. Here are some links!
Pleasant Gehman WEBSITE - Click here for ALL things Pleasant Gehman, from tarot readings and healing sessions, books and more!
Wicked Cat Clothing WEBSITE Remember to use code “PARTYWITHBOB30” for 30% off your entire order!
Good Life Digestive Health WEBSITE
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Screamin Sirens appear courtesy of Pleasant Gehman
Background music: Music provided by "Vivek Abhishek" Music used : "Halloween Night 2020" originally composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Here it is, the long-awaited series finale of the Paranormal Ponderings episodes! We’ve covered paranormal investigating and ghosts, haunted places and haunted history, witchcraft, magic and tarot, cryptids, UFOs and now, we’re going to tie ALL of them together. As much as that’s possible? Here’s a hint - maybe Bigfoot was the inspiration for Chewbacca? Maybe Bigfoot IS Chewbacca? That would be something, wouldn’t it? Well, we’ll dive into the ties that bind the paranormal together, plus religion, super heroes, myths, conciousness and the ever-elusive third eye we all might have. All subjects covered in Mike’s latest paranormal phenomenon of a book, “Stranger Than Fiction”. Which you should read. Music of the episode courtesy of the band Light Years with the spooky love song “I Met You On Halloween” (I don’t know if it’s a spooky song or not, but it sounds like it). Brought to you by Midwife Made Naturals. Here are some links:
Buy Mike’s book, “Stranger Than Fiction” HERE
Visit the Punk Rock and UFOs website HERE
Check out Light Years on BANDCAMP
Visit Midwife Made Naturals HERE
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Light Years appear courtesy of themselves with the song “I Met You On Halloween”
Background Music: “Play With Me” by Myuu iTunes ● :: Bandcamp ● It's like a Dark Toy Story. Free to use as long as credit is given. MP3 Download ► Twitter: ● Support me on Patreon:
Ghost Stories return to the Bobcast just in time for BOBTOBER! That’s right, Bobtober. It’s like October, only better. This is just the beginning of the spooky content all month long on the Bobcast, so hop on that broom and prepare to live deliciously. Four tales of the strange, the paranormal and weird encounters with the unknown are told in this episode by four of today’s paragons of the paranormal. Katie Burr has a tale from 2010 and some high strangeness in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. Alex Matsuo tells the story of a jealous spirit that followed her home from an extended stay in the hospital. Troy Taylor talks of the Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, Illinois and the guests that might not have ever checked out. And the FINAL DESTINATION of the episode is a VERY scary tale told by Cherise Williams of a recent paranormal investigation of the Indiana State Sanitorium. These stories will definately get you in the mood for Spooky Season(tm). Music of the episode by Vudu Sister, with the very haunting “Credite Mihi”. Brought to you by Good Life Digestive Health and Sticker Junkie. Here are some links!
Good Life Digestive Health WEBSITE
Sticker Junkie WEBSITE
Vudu Sister BANDCAMP
Katie Burr on Instagram
Everyday Paranormal WEBSITE
Alex Matsuo and The Spooky Stuff WEBSITE
Alex Matsuo on Twitter
Troy Taylor and American Hauntings
Cherise Williams YouTube and Instagram and WEBSITE
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Vudu Sister appears courtesy of Keith McCurdy
Background Music
Alex Matsuo story: Title : Horror Hospital Impending Doom Film Trailer - Doug Maxwell_Media Right Productions Editing and mixing : This music link :
Katie Burr Story: Music used : " DARK ORCHESTRAL LULLABY " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook : Follow on Instagram :
Cherise Williams Story: Music used : "SABRINA " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook : Follow on Instagram :
Troy Taylor Story: Music used : " Under The Bridge " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook : Follow on Instagram :
Intro/Outro/Everything Inbetween: Track: Ruesche - Funny Halloween Theme Music provided by Ruesche-Sounds. Ruesche - Funny Halloween Theme (Free Background Music) Video-Link: Channel:
Michael Crusty of Crusty Media and The Miserable Failure Podcast comes aboard the Bad Ship Bobcast to play some songs and talk about the Halloween movies! And other stuff, we do talk about the bands and the music. That is our job as music journalists of the highest caliber. You’ll get 10 songs in this episode - 5 picked by me, 5 picked by Mr. Crusty. Here’s a track listing, in the order in which they’re played in the episode:
1. Doghouse Rose “Last Time”
2. The Bollweevils “Liniment & Tonic”
3. Hangtime “Too Many Days”
4. Night Dangers “Another Nightmare”
5. Lawless Sons “Mufasa”
6. Sad Girlz Club “I Think I’m Ready”
7. No Big Deal “A Million Things”
8. Parker “Ruin My Life (Live)”
9. Nothing Serious “Blabbermouth”
10. Riverboat Gamblers “Bonzo Goes To Bitburg”
Also, Carolyn Mauricette makes her triumphant return to The Bobcast with another installment of The Celluloid Catacombs! This time around, Carolyn is discussing the “Insidious” franchise of movies. Super-duper-spooky stuff! Brought to you by Midwife Made Naturals and Pomps Not Dead Pomade. Here are some links!
Midwife Made Naturals WEBSITE
Pomps Not Dead Pomade ETSY SHOP Click the link to buy some of the “Something’s Gotta Slick” pomade and help out Roger Miret!
Carolyn Mauricette’s A VIEW FROM THE DARK
The Miserable Failure Podcast on APPLE PODCASTS
Crusty Media WEBSITE
Doghouse Rose WEBSITE
The Bollweevils BANDCAMP
Night Dangers BANDCAMP
Lawless Sons BANDCAMP
Sad Girlz Club BANDCAMP
Nothing Serious BANDCAMP
Riverboat Gamblers WEBPAGE
All the bands of this episode appear courtesy of themselves.
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Intro Music - ✘ Title: Quirky Dog ✘ Music: Kevin MacLeod ✘ License: CC BY 3.0 ( ✘ Download: ISRC: USUAN1500053 © 2015 Kevin MacLeod
The Celluloid Catacomb background music - Music provided by "Vivek Abhishek" Music used : "Halloween Night 2020" originally composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Mike Wiebe of The Riverboat Gamblers and Drakulas. He’s the tall, good looking one that jumps around and sings in both bands, by the way. Mike sets sail on the WeirdBoat, the Bobcast, to talk about paranormal stuff, his bands and more in this episode. Strange car rides on Santa Fe Baldy in New Mexico, strange lights in the sky in Denton, Texas and a Goatman. And the Goatman’s Bridge. Creepy, spooky and awesomely atrotious stories, in other words. Plus, a retelling by yours truly of one of the many legends that surround Goatman’s Bridge in Denton, Texas. I personally would not visit Goatman’s Bridge. Too scary, especially after I read all about it. Yikes. Music of the episode provided by Drakulas and the Riverboat Gamblers with the songs “Dark Black” and “Don’t Bury Me (I’m Still Not Dead)” respectively. Here are some links!
Riverboat Gamblers Bandcamp
Drakulas Bandcamp
Mike’s Podcast - International News Service
Good Life Digestive Health Website
Riverboat Gamblers and Drakulas appear courtesy of Mike Wiebe
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Intro and Outro song - “Happy Haunts” Music composed, performed and recorded by Aaron Kenny.
Goatman Bridge background song - “Forgotten” by Repulsive Sound
Follow us on instagram: Follow us on soundcloud:
Goatman Bridge story source (mainly, other than Wikipedia) -
UFOs fall under the (very large) umbrella that is “The Paranormal”. There, I said it. I guess it’s not really a controversial opinion, it’s just that many people don’t think of UFOs from a “paranormal” point of view. Why not? Paranormal is simply defined as “something science can’t explain” and if that ain’t THE definition of UFO, I don’t know what is. Regardless, this Bobcast episode is another dive into the realm of the paranormal, this time all about UFOs. Aaron Gulyas, author, educator, historian and host of The Saucer Life podcast joins us to talk a little about conspiricies, UFO lore, UFO history and creepy black Cadillacs. Music of the episode is provided by those Canadian Creeps, The Band From Planet X. Brought to you by Good Life Digestive Health. Here are some OUT OF THIS WORLD links -
Listen to The Saucer Life HERE
Buy Aaron’s books HERE
Check out The Band From Planet X on BANDCAMP
Good Life Digestive Health WEBSITE
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende.
The Band From Planet X appear courtesy of themselves.
Intro & outro music - Ghost Surf Rock by Loyalty Freak Music está posteada bajo una licencia Creative Commons.
Mike Damante won me over a while ago with his “Punk Rock and UFOs” series of books, a mind-blowing series on paranormal weirdness and UFO related wildness. Mike’s latest book, “Hey Suburbia” also won me over - but in a different way. “Hey Suburbia” talks about punk rock, pop-punk and emo of the 1990’s and early 2000’s, mostly. There’s nostalgia, to be sure. But there’s also quite a bit about the course and trajectory of punk rock from those golden days up to the present day. Let me tell you, I listened to a bunch of Jimmy Eat World after I read the book, I cannot tell a lie. But I also looked at the future of punk rock in a different light after reading the book. With more hope, I should say. Well! Mike joins the Bobcast to talk all things PUNK in this episode, from how it all started for him, to answering that age old question - were big punk bands of the 90’s (that were successful) sell-outs? Listen and find out! Also, Michael Crusty stops by with a brand new edition of Crusty’s Corner to talk with Nick from Canadian Rock Wrestling and play a PUNK song by Debt Cemetery. Lastly, War On Women appear in the episode with the song “White Lies”, which was hand picked by Mr. Damante just for this episode! Let’s get PUNK with Mike Damante and freinds! Here are some links and the legal stuff:
Punk Rock And UFOs WEBSITE
Looking for the books of Mike Damante? Check HERE first, or visit Punk Rock And UFOs to order!
Midwife Made Naturals WEBSITE
Intro and outro song - “I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Intro and outro song (after the Bobcast theme song) - “It Must Be Nice” by GLTY, used by permission of GLTY.
War On Women and “White Lies” appear courtesy of themselves
Songs in “Crusty’s Corner” - “Miserable Failure” written and performed by Iron Reagan. “Stolen Pens Write Faster”, “When Life Gives You Dilemnas, You Make Dilemmonade” and “Daved And Confused” written and performed by Debt Cemetery. All songs appear courtesy of the bands.
Welcome to the first edition of a new series of Bobcast episodes, simply titled “Haunted Harmonies”. With these episodes, you’ll hear a little bit about the history and haunts of a particular paranormally active location, which is located somewhere in this great big haunted world of ours. Along with the history and haunts, let’s throw a band interview - a short one - into these episodes, because the Bobcast is PUNK. The rule is, the band has to be from the same town or area as the featured haunted location. In this case, we’re talking about San Diego, California’s Villa Montezuma, with the band of the episode being Come Closer. San Diego has a TON of haunted places, but I’m telling you, Villa Montezuma is the King/Queen of the Haunt Heap. Come Closer is likewise the cream of the crop in a sea of amazing bands from San Diego. The tales of strangeness from Villa Montezuma, the interview with J from Come Closer, a song titled “Get It Wrong” by Come Closer, this episode has it ALL. Brought to you by Good Life Digestive Health. Here are some links, legal stuff and sources used for the information provided in this episode:
Villa Montezuma Museum OFFICIAL SITE
Come Closer BANDCAMP
Good Life Digestive Health WEBSITE
Come Closer appears courtesy of Jimmy James Elmore
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende
Intro Music and segment music - Track: Ruesche-Sounds - Funny Halloween Theme (Music by Ruesche-Sounds) Music provided by Ruesche-Sounds. Free Download: Video-Link: Channel:
Segment Music - Music used : " The House" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
General - San Diego Citywide LGBTQ Historic Context Statement City of San Diego Department of City Planning September 29, 2016
Ghost stories of the house -
History of the house -
General -
The band Spider, from the Los Angeles area, has pulled something off that not many bands have truly been able to do. They’ve taken the sound and the fury of 1980’s LA punk and hardcore and turned it into their own thing. A magical and perfectly punk thing, at that. Don’t think I’m saying the band lives in the past! No, Spider does their own thing, while hearkening back to the glory days of LA punk and hardcore. Hector Martinez, the singer/vocalist of Spider stops by The Bobcast to talk about the band, punk rock stuff, ghosts, UFOs and more! Two songs by Spider are in this episode, “Energy Gone Wrong” and “The Reeperbahn”. Presented by Good Life Digestive Health. Here are some links!
Spider Bandcamp
Good Life Digestive Health Website
Legal stuff!!
Spider appears courtesy of Hector Martinez
“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and perfomed by Se Vende
Intro and outro song - ✘ Title: Quirky Dog ✘ Music: Kevin MacLeod ✘ License: CC BY 3.0 ( ✘ Download: ISRC: USUAN1500053 © 2015 Kevin MacLeod
The Two Minutes Of Terror podcast is a subsidiary podcast under the I Wanna Party With Bob Ltd. Inc. corperate umbrella of fine audio products. They’re short - two to four minutes in length, perfect for today’s short and spooky attention spans. You’ll hear TWO of these terrifying episodes in this installment of The Bobcast, both “ghost stories” which were pulled from the atrotious archives of amazing paranormal material here at The Bobcast. The first tale is of Fernando and his encounter with a “Hat Man”, the second tale is by Gared and features a figure that had been HANGING AROUND his house after he first moved in. The stories are retold (by yours truly) and augmented with sound fx and otherworldly orchestrations. The song of the episode provided by the band Batsh@t Crazy. Tune in and prepare to be terrorized! Here is a link to Batsh@t Crazy’s BANDCAMP
Intro and outro song “I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and perfroemd by Se Vende
Batshit Crazy appears courtesy of themselves
Intro and outro background music - Title: Sneaky Snitch ✘ Music: Kevin MacLeod ✘ License: CC BY 3.0 ( ✘ Download: ISRC: USUAN1100772 © 2010 Kevin MacLeod
Fernando story background music - Music used : " SINISTER " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Gared story background music - Music provided by "Vivek Abhishek" Music used : "The Door" originally composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
The long-awaited return of the “Ghost Stories” series. Yes, 8 months, to be exact. Well! Are you in for some chilling tales in this episode? You are, so please join me on this journey into the boundless realm of the supernatural. Ghost Stories Volume IV is the name, scaring the pants off of you is the game. There are stories by paranormal investigators Kinedy of The Haunted Times, Amanda of Spook-Eats, Courtney of The Ghoul Guide and Amanda Paulson of Pretty Fn Spooky. And Gregory, we mustn’t forget Gregory. All of the stories are amazing, each one has something very spooky and special to offer. The locations in which the stories take place, you ask? The Thomas House in Tennessee, Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Kentucky, the Ghost Light Theatre in New York and the grand finale, the Lizzie Borden House in Massachusetts. I hope I spelled “Massachusetts” correctly. BOOOO me. if I did not. Did I mention the date this episode is being released, August 4th of 2021, is the 129 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE LIZZIE BORDEN HOUSE MURDERS!?!?!? It’s true. Weird, right? The Celluloid Catacombs also returns in this episode, this time, Carolyn Mauricette is discussing the film “In Fabric”, a tale of a haunted red dress. The fittingly fearsome music of the episode provided by Airstream Futures and The Lungs. Here are some links!
Kinedy of The Haunted Times INSTAGRAM
Courtney of The Ghoul Guide INSTAGRAM
Spook-Eats WEBSITE
Pretty Fn Spooky WEBSITE
Amanda of Pretty Fn Spooky on YouTube - THE LIZZIE BORDEN HOUSE VIDEO
Carolyn Mauricette’s main WEBPAGE
Airstream Futures BANDCAMP
Airstream Futures appear courtesy of Graeme Phililskirk and Little Rocket Records.
The Lungs appear courtesy of themselves.
“I Wanna Party With Bob” theme written and performed by Se Vende
Intro, outro and story songs as follows:
Intro and outro song - Track: Rueschesong - -Sounds - Funny Halloween Theme (Music by Ruesche-Sounds) Music provided by Ruesche-Sounds. Free Download: Video-Link: Channel:
Introduction tracks song - Free instrumental scary Halloween music by Dar Golan.
The Celluloid Catacombs song - “Ballad For The Damned” Composed by Joseph Earwicker
Kinedy Story - Music used : "Broken Piano " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Amanda Woomer Story - Music used : "The Hunt " composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Courtney Story -
Gregory Story - Music used : "The Graveyard" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Amanda Paulson Story - Music used : "MELENCHOLY" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek" Music link : SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram:
Pleasant Gehman returns to The Bobcast with a brand new episode and more stories, more magical mayhem that is the life of the incredible person, the Princess Of Hollywood, Pleasant Gehman! This time around we’re talking about Pleasant’s writing and dancing careers. Pleasant’s been doing both most of her whole life, to great effect. Though she has written mostly non-fiction stories of her life through the years, she’s the first person I’ve heard of that a publisher told “we can’t run this as fiction, it’s too crazy!!!”. That’s the life of Pleasant Gehman in a nutshell. Music of the episode by Screamin’ Sirens and those songs are “I Heard About You” and “Nine Times To Live” off of 1987’s “Voodoo”. Oh! The song “Voodoo” is also soothingly serenading you in the intro and outro background of the episode. Here are some links!
Pleasant Gehman’s WEBSITE
Pleasant Gehman on GOODREADS
Here’s a great source for buying some of Pleasant’s books - INDIEBOUND.ORG
A resource for all things Pleasant and Bellydancing - PRINCESS FARHANA ONLINE