Episode 25 - Fest 18 - Part Two
Fest 18 was such a good time. Hell, I devoted an entire month to Fest 18 stuff, I had such a good time. What was the best thing I came home with from Fest 18 (besides that goddamn Fest Flu)? A series of great interviews with some of the nicest, most awesome and talented people out there. So here we go! On this episode, there’s a talk with Jonny and Colin of San Diego’s Se Vende, Shelby of Sacramento’s Sad Girlz Club and last but not least, Scott of Tampa, Florida’s The Tim Version!! Hard hitting journalism in this one, such as where’s the best burrito? Do you believe in ghosts? Who are you? Who am I? What sucks about Florida? What is rad about Florida? Tough questions for tough times. These four are all champs and come through this one strong. Here are some links to all the good stuff -
Se Vende - https://sevende.bandcamp.com/
Sad Girlz Club - https://sadgirlzclub.bandcamp.com/
The Tim Version - https://noidearecords.bandcamp.com/album/ordinary-life
Plan 9 Alehouse - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/
FEST!!! - https://thefestfl.com/
Jonny and Colin of Se Vende!
Shelby of Sad Girlz Club!
Scott of The Tim Version!!!
The featured beer in this one? Daywalker made by the fantastic Plan 9 Alehouse in Escondido, CA.