Episode 27 - The Misfits History Part 2 - Jerry Strikes Back
Well, I’m back with part 2, in what is going to become a trilogy, with the history of The Misfits and all of their wacky antics. Yes, this is a good one, my finest work, I would say. Thanks to Kryst The Conqueror, especially. Yes, Kryst (pronounced “Jesus”) The gosh-darned Conqueror. Wow and wowsers, that is some weird and also hilarious stuff right there. I’ll cover the Samhain years, the Danzig solo years, the reformed “Misfits” with Michale “PatriotJesusGunsAlexJones” Graves, Jerry Only’s “What???” Misfits and lastly the current day, reunited and loving it ($$$$$) Misfits with Danzig. Tons of good stuff here, I promise. Also songs by Wolf-Face with “Hybrid Moments” and some info and a song by 88 Fingers Louie, the wonderful “Night Of The Living Dead”. Here are your links -
88 Fingers Louie Discogs - Collect ‘Em All! - https://www.discogs.com/artist/253289-88-Fingers-Louie
88 Fingers Louie Bandcamp - https://88fingerslouie.bandcamp.com/music
Wolf-Face Bandcamp - https://wolf-face.bandcamp.com/music
Official Misfits! - http://www.misfits.com/index.html
Where did the Danzig skull come from? - https://greenandblackmusic.com/home/2016/08/17/not-of-this-world-the-danzig-skull-and-the-saga-of-crystar/
Kryst The Conqueror, storming the gates of Hell!!! - https://dangerousminds.net/comments/kryst_the_conqueror_the_misfits
The Misfits reunion is basically the result of a lawsuit. Check this out - https://www.metalsucks.net/2019/06/11/how-many-more-misfits-reunion-shows-will-there-be-according-to-legal-documents-probably-just-one/
That skull looks awfully familiar???
Lettering look familiar?
The next big thing, KRYST THE CONQUEROR!!!!
Wish I had $300.00 to blow on this.