Episode 53 - Morrissey Part Two - The Mozpire Strikes Back

Morrissey fascinates me. His music, starting with The Smiths and ending with his latest solo record - “I Am Not A Dog On A Chain” and the person himself. What is it about Morrissey that so many people love and/or love to hate? He’s lovely, controversial, talented, opinionated. The music, though, holy cow. Morrissey’s music has been a huge part of my life ever since the mid-1980’s and the purchase of “Meat Is Murder”. I can’t say how much this man’s music has meant to me over the years. However, in a strange twist of fate, “Bigmouth Strikes Again” is more than just a Smiths song, it seems to be Morrissey’s MO of the last several years. This episode focuses on the Morrissey “solo” years from 1988 up to now. We’ll be taking a fairly deep look at the records and who made them from 1988 to 2004, then a peek at the same from 2006 to the present. The very end covers “Morrissey Vs. the press”, which has been an ongoing thing since 1983 or so. Fun! The songs are by A Wilhelm Scream, The Phenomenauts and J Church and all tie into the subject at hand quite nicely. Here are some links to some great stuff -

A Wilhelm Scream - http://www.awilhelmscream.com/

The Phenomenauts - http://www.silversprocket.net/progress/

Silver Sprocket Bicycle Club - The Bay Area’s finest indie bookstore and more!- https://www.silversprocket.net/

J Church - https://www.j-church.com/

See that little pin on Morrissey’s lapel? For Britain. Yuck.

See that little pin on Morrissey’s lapel? For Britain. Yuck.

Episode 52 - Le Saboteur Interview

Le Saboteur is a band that is sotra-kinda-used to be from San Diego, California and now mostly resides in the Pacific Northwest. Geography aside, this band is amazing. They have the songs, they have the attitude, they have the best looking bass player in the history of history. It’s true, just ask him. This episode has an interview with Michelle, Kyle Bob and Uriel of Le Saboteur, four songs off the band’s new EP “Ditch” and a little cryptid-related trivia thrown in for the sake of fun. Maybe the person in Le Sab with the bigfoot tattoo will win? Listen and find out!

Click the image of the incredible “Ditch” EP to check it out and buy it!

Click the image of the incredible “Ditch” EP to check it out and buy it!

From the upcoming debut EP Ditch.

Support Red Brontosaurus Records and buy a shirt!

Support Red Brontosaurus Records and buy a shirt!

Order some buttons from MM Button Co. by clicking on the picture above!

Order some buttons from MM Button Co. by clicking on the picture above!

Episode 51 - May The 4th Star Wars Special w/ Tim Pyles

Star Wars day comes but once a year on May the 4th, but you know what? EVERY day is Star Wars day, in my heart. Here’s the I Wanna Party With Bob Star Wars celebration, featuring songs by John Cougar Concentration Camp, Supernova and MC Chris - all Star Wars in nature. There is an interview with Star Wars fan and San Diego radio person (91X) Tim Pyles, who also took the time to do a Star Wars Madlib with me and answered 9 Star Wars trivia questions, as well! I talk a little about my thoughts on Star Wars and what makes the galaxy far, far away so special to me. This episode was brought to you by the fine people of Mysterious Galaxy bookstore and Rad Coffee company. Lightspeed to Endor!

Episode 50 - The I Wanna Party With Bob Trivia Challenge!

Welcome to the I Wanna Party With Bob Trivia Challenge! Six participents were asked a total of 21 questions. Ten questions about PUNK STUFF! Ten questions about GHOSTS AND PARANORMAL STUFF! The final question is about POP CULTURE AND CAN BE ANYTHING! Well, I mean, the last question is about pop culture so it’s not just anything. The prize for the winners? A package of good stuff from Paper Street Cuts Records and some I Wanna Party With Bob fineries. PLUS! All of the people doin’ the challenge got a full length record DLC from one of these fine record labels - Dead Broke, Rad Girlfriend, It’s Alive, La Escalera, Recess or Drunken Sailor Records!!! Here are some links to the sponsors of the contest -

Paper Street Cuts - http://paperstreetcuts.limitedrun.com/

Dead Broke Rekerds - https://store.deadbrokerecords.com/

Rad Girlfriend Records - https://radgirlfriendrecords.storenvy.com/

It’s Alive Records - http://www.itsaliverecords.com/

La Escalera Records - https://laescalerarecords.bandcamp.com/

Recess Records - https://www.recessrecords.com/

Drunken Sailor Records - http://www.drunkensailorrecords.co.uk/categories/drunken-sailor-records

Team A winner Amanda with her loot!

Team A winner Amanda with her loot!

Some of Matt from Team B’s loot!

Some of Matt from Team B’s loot!

Episode 49 - These Are Some Of My Favorite Songs (right now)

I’m BURNT OUT! So. What to do? I’m going to take a little break with this episode and just play some of my favorite songs, currently, that is. These bands are so great it hurts. I will share this lovely pain with you. ALSO! A pretty much brand new and sort of unreleased Tiltwheel song. Here’s the track listing and times if you’re lame and want to skip ahead -

Liberty & Justice “Pricilla’s Kids” 5:00

Chilton “Solar Warden” 7:55

Grumpster “Lust” 11:23

Porcupine “I Watch You Float” 13:55

Sarchasm “Mind Over Matter” 17:02

Notches “Room Upstairs” 19:59

The Raging Nathans “Minor Details” 22:25

The Slow Death “Jeane” 25:12

The Globs “The Weird & Wonderful World Of The Globs” 27:41

War On Women “Capture The Flag” 30:56

Tiltwheel “Poison Heart” 34:28

Dead Broke Records, Rad Girlfriend Records and the bands with the songs - I salute and thank you for your service to my mental health. Here are some links to the bands and labels -

Dead Broke Rekerds - https://deadbrokerekerds.bandcamp.com/

Rad Girlfriend Records - https://radgirlfriendrecords.bandcamp.com/

Liberty & Justice - https://crowdcontrolmedia.bandcamp.com/album/liberty-and-justice-4-all

Chilton - https://chilton444.bandcamp.com/releases

Grumpster - https://grumpster.bandcamp.com/

Porcupine - https://porcupineband.bandcamp.com/

Sarchasm - https://sarchasm.bandcamp.com/

Notches - https://notchesrocks.bandcamp.com/

The Raging Nathans - https://theragingnathans.bandcamp.com/

The Slow Death - https://radgirlfriendrecords.bandcamp.com/album/punishers

The Globs - https://globsfromoutterspace.bandcamp.com/

War On Women - https://waronwomen.bandcamp.com/

Tiltwheel - https://addrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hair-brained-scheme-addicts

Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 48 - Sarchasm Interview

Sarchasm, the band, not the attitude. Let’s be clear about that. But wait, are Sarchasm sarcastic? A double positive of a band? Yeah, I would say so. But! Sarchasm are lovely people, every one of them. Even Scout, the Dr. Doolittle of animal noises. Even Stevie, who has a hard time when around free water. Mari? Mari is a monster that can’t eat pizza like a human. Alex can’t listen to music. Which is weird when you’re in a band? Quirks aside, Sarchasm are the nicest, funniest and rocking-est bunch of people from the East Bay. The music, ohhhh the music. So good. Toe tapping, do-si-do-ing, dance til your shoes fall off good. This episode has an interview with Sarchasm, 4 songs by the band and a Simpsons Trivia Challenge!!!! Alex is damn good at Simpsons trivia, by the way. Join the fun, join Team Sarchasm. Join the band with these links!

Sarchasm Bandcamp - https://sarchasm.bandcamp.com/

924 Gilman St., Sarchasm’s home away from home - https://www.924gilman.org/

Sposnors of this episode! Check them out!

Thirty-One Ten Printing - https://www.facebook.com/thirtyonetenprinting/

Sticker Junkie - https://stickerjunkie.com/



This is a more current photo of Sarchasm.

This is a more current photo of Sarchasm.

Sarchasm "Beach Blanket Bummer Pop!" LP/CD/CASS Order at http://asianmanrecords.limitedrun.com/products/search?q=sarchasm

Sarchasm "Beach Blanket Bummer Pop" CD/CASS/DIGITAL out APRIL 12th, 2019 VINYL out JUNE 2019. PRE-ORDER at asianmanrecords.limitedrun.com

Episode 47 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 8

The year is 2004 and the band is Tiltwheel. Highlights include - Punk Rock Bowling #6 (LASERS AND WATER!!!), a tour of the Pacific Northwest, where a struggle against rednecks and toilets ensue, the Rythym Chicken drops in for a bit and a contest of wills takes place. Or just drinking, it was just a drinking contest against the Chicken. Who do YOU think won? The 4th of July from hell, Fest #3 and lastly, the time Tiltwheel pretended to be Slayer. Shotgun a beer, call your therapist and check it out. Call your therapist after, maybe? Here are some links to some rad stuff mentioned in this episode -

Red Brontosaurus Records - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Pomps Not Dead Pomade website - https://www.pompsnotdeadpomade.com/

Pomps Not Dead Etsy site - https://www.etsy.com/shop/PompsNotDeadPOMADE?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=158466135

A good thing about the Rhythm Chicken - https://doorcountypulse.com/what-the-cluck-the-rhythm-chicken/

This is Josh Mosh and Paul, circa 2004

This is Josh Mosh and Paul, circa 2004

The Rhythm Chicken!

The Rhythm Chicken!

Tiltwheel at Scolari’s. Slayer night?

Tiltwheel at Scolari’s. Slayer night?

Another Scolari’s photo.

Another Scolari’s photo.

Epispde 46 - Mike "Dumps" Bruno Interview

Mike Bruno wears so many hats. This is a figurative statement, not literal. Owner and operator of Long Island, New York’s Dead Broke Rekerds. Bassmaster of Iron Chic. Bass dude and one of the singer dudes in Adult Magic. Mike is busy, and for that I am very glad - the world would be a much more dreary place without Iron Chic, Adult Magic and Dead Broke. Don’t forget Mike’s part bands like Down In The Dumps, after all, that is how he got the name Mike Dumps. History is important! Well, in this episode, Mike and I talked for a bit about all things Mikey Dumps - bands and music stuff, horror movies, life on Long Island and more. Horror movies? Yes, there’s a trivia challenge in this episode and it’s all about horror movies. Songs by Down In The Dumps, Adult Magic and Iron Chic. Here are some links for you to enjoy -

Dead Broke Rekerds Bandcamp - https://deadbrokerekerds.bandcamp.com/

Dead Broke Website and Distro - https://store.deadbrokerecords.com/

Dead Broke Discogs, look at all these AWESOME releases!!! - https://www.discogs.com/label/154793-Dead-Broke-Rekerds

Mike Dumps Discogs - https://www.discogs.com/artist/1473855-Dumps

Mouse & Monkey Button Co. - https://mmbuttonco.com/

Mr. Beery’s, you forgot to say “Triumphant” return.

Mr. Beery’s, you forgot to say “Triumphant” return.

Mike is the handsome fellow in the right of center foreground. To his left is Jeff from Witches With Dicks.

Mike is the handsome fellow in the right of center foreground. To his left is Jeff from Witches With Dicks.

Iron Chic at Beery’s in Bethpage, NY - May of 2017. L-R Phil, Jason, Mike, Jesse

Iron Chic at Beery’s in Bethpage, NY - May of 2017. L-R Phil, Jason, Mike, Jesse

Last night of a super fun couple of shows with Iron Chic. Too many to name, but, Witches With Dicks, Nervous Triggers, Tiltwheel and Iron Chic are all in here.

Last night of a super fun couple of shows with Iron Chic. Too many to name, but, Witches With Dicks, Nervous Triggers, Tiltwheel and Iron Chic are all in here.

Episode 45 - The Morrissey Trilogy Part One

What do you know about Morrissey? Singer of sad songs? Supporter of far-right causes? Handsome devil, or just a devil, period? Well, let’s start getting to the bottom of WHO this Morrissey person really is. This very first episode is part of a trilogy of episodes dealing with the wild, sad, wacky and confusing world of The Moz. Misery Mozzery, to his close friends. Does The Moz still have any freinds? We shall see. Three amazing Smiths cover songs grace this episode, as well - “Jeane” by The Slow Death, “Bigmouth…” by Squarecrow and “A Rush And A Push…” by Broadway Calls. Here are some links to stuff in this episode -

A night on the town with Morrissey? Check this out - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/noel-gallagher-talks-about-roaring-drunk-night-out-with-fking-mental-morrissey-and-russell-brand-10050847.html

The Slow Death on Bandcamp - https://radgirlfriendrecords.bandcamp.com/album/punishers

Squarecrow on Bandcamp - https://squarecrow.bandcamp.com/

Broadway Calls on Bandcamp - https://broadwaycalls.bandcamp.com/

Why not?

Why not?

Why not part two

Why not part two

http://www.razorcake.org The Slow Death "I Need A Drink" "Jeane (the smiths)" live at Characters - Pomona,CA - 618/2017 Video by Marty Ploy (the partys over ...

Squarecrow - "Bigmouth Strikes Again" www.facebook.com/squarecrowmusic http://squarecrow.bandcamp.com/ A little diddy we recorded while practicing. Enjoy The...


Click the Plan 9 image to go straight to Flavortown! And Beertown.

Click the Plan 9 image to go straight to Flavortown! And Beertown.

Click on this, the BEST SHIRT EVER!!!! to go to Gravebound Clothing’s website. They have some rad, rad, rad stuff!!!!

Click on this, the BEST SHIRT EVER!!!! to go to Gravebound Clothing’s website. They have some rad, rad, rad stuff!!!!

Episode 44 - Se Vende Interview

When did Se Vende steal my heart, as a band? Hmmm. Probably sometime around November of 2019, if I had to assign a date to something so ethereal. Se Vende is a punk rock band, but wait! There’s more. Se Vende also has the San Diego thing down in the best possible way. You’ll be cruising along listening, solid punk songs, then BLAMMO, a time change, a break down, that doesn’t seem like it will work, but goddamn, these fellas make it work so well. I love this band’s music, but as people? The Se Vende’s are the greatest people. I asked questions, they answered and this episode is the result. Bonus? FIVE songs are included in this episode, free of charge! What a deal! Here are your links!

Se Vende Bandcamp - https://sevende.bandcamp.com/

Thirty One Ten Printing - https://www.facebook.com/thirtyonetenprinting/

Sticker Junkie! Best stickers in the WORLD!!! - https://stickerjunkie.com/

Plan 9 Alehouse, beer & food & fun - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

Live in studio, SE VENDE!!!

Live in studio, SE VENDE!!!

Me and the dudes!

Me and the dudes!

Jumpin’ Jonny

Jumpin’ Jonny

Se Vende - "Bike Tired" - La Escalera Records / Paper Street Cuts - Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net's largest, uncensored, completely d.i...

Episode 43 - Interview with Joe Wood of Change Today/ex-TSOL

Joe Wood. The name brings to mind a smokey voice, soaked with whiskey and a lifetime of hard times and heartbreak. Joe’s songs are dark, no doubt, but guess what? So is life. Joe writes and sings about life, the dark corners of life, to be sure, but life nonetheless. After spending some time with Joe, I can’t help but think of how ALIVE the man is, especially when considering the normal topics of his songs - suicide, revenge, substance abuse, loss, love. The songs and music of Joe Wood can speak for themselves, so this episode has four songs from Joe’s time in TSOL. But his words, listen well, because Joe has some things to tell you, as only a man such as Joe Wood could. Check out these links, plus some info about some of Joe’s upcoming live shows!

Joe Wood Discogs - https://www.discogs.com/artist/541270-Joe-Wood

TSOL Discogs - https://www.discogs.com/artist/255060-TSOL

Joe Wood and The Lonely Ones on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3DN4L2vcuhDtqFWvOM7M5d

Change Today at San Diego’s Casbah on 3/20/2020 - https://www.casbahmusic.com/e/joe-wood-change-today-poison-hearts-a-c-the-writhers-south-towne-sham-96950707175/

Joe Wood at O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub in Escondido, Ca - https://osullivansescondido.com/escondido-o-sullivans-irish-pub-escondido-events

Joe playing live Feb. of 2020 in Cardiff, CA

Joe playing live Feb. of 2020 in Cardiff, CA

Yes, the big hair days are covered in this episode. GREAT fucking record, by the way!

Yes, the big hair days are covered in this episode. GREAT fucking record, by the way!

Click the picture above to see more of Joe’s RAD art!

Click the picture above to see more of Joe’s RAD art!



There’s a ghost story in this episode that’s creepy as shit. Here’s the picture mentioned in the story.

There’s a ghost story in this episode that’s creepy as shit. Here’s the picture mentioned in the story.

Click on the picture above to go to Change Today’s Facebook page for all the latest news/shows/etc…

Click on the picture above to go to Change Today’s Facebook page for all the latest news/shows/etc…

Episode 42 - Skate And Destroy Part 3

This is it! The conclusion of the Skate & Destroy series. In this one, the focus is on some time I spent with the “Alva Posse”, plus the end of my friendship with Gator. Music? Oh, this episode has the best music the late 80’s and early 90’s had to offer - Vencie, CA’s Excel!!! THE Champions of Crossover and thrash metal, Excel. Rad. Two stories of the times that Tony Alva had to chastise me and what happened when Mr. Alva lost his $80.00 sunglasses. Also, the end of my friendship with Gator - hint - it happened shortly before he went to jail for rape and murder. Ugh. Besides that ugliness, this is a really fun episode! Skating. Destroying. Shennanigans aplenty!!! Here’s a couple of links -

Excel Bandcamp - https://excelsl.bandcamp.com/

Alva Skates! - http://alva-skates.com/

Mouse & Monkey - https://mmbuttonco.com/

Razorcake! Sponsor A Punk!! - https://razorcake.org/

Another shot of VC Pool

Another shot of VC Pool

This is my butt at VC Pool

This is my butt at VC Pool

Gator & Brandi.

Gator & Brandi.

THE 1989 Alva Posse

THE 1989 Alva Posse

Alva Skateboards video from 1989 YOUNG GUNZ

Episode 41 - Ghost Hunt And Interview With Ash Williams

The band Ash Williams of San Diego is calling it quits after ten years of being awesome. On this episode of the Bobcast, join me in sending them off in style. Pat and Uriel of Ash Williams sat and talked with me for a while about all kinds of stuff, but the horror movie trivia part of the interview is my favorite. Then, Pat, Uriel and I went on a ghost hunting excursion to San Diego’s Hotel Cosmopolitan, specifically room 11. We found a couple of interesting “things”, you’ll see. Ghost cat? Yes. This episode also features 4 (yes FOUR) Ash Williams songs. Ash Williams gets four songs because they are THAT good. Now, let’s go hang with the GOAT for a bit and get spooky, silly and rad. Here Are Your links -

Ash Williams Bandcamp - https://ashwilliamstheband.bandcamp.com/

Hotel Cosmopolitan - https://www.oldtowncosmopolitan.com/

Ash Williams is named after the main character of the Evil Dead franchise? Yup. Here’s a link to all things Evil Dead - http://deadites.net/

Plan 9 Alehouse - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

Red Brontosaurus Records - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Ash Williams has a Misfits cover record all about breakfast? Yes they do!

Ash Williams has a Misfits cover record all about breakfast? Yes they do!

L-R Uriel, Pat, me.

L-R Uriel, Pat, me.

Who is REALLY the GOAT in this picture?

Who is REALLY the GOAT in this picture?

Pat takes ghost hunting seriouslly.

Pat takes ghost hunting seriouslly.

Room 11 of the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Enter IF YOU DARE!!!!

Room 11 of the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Enter IF YOU DARE!!!!

The ghost’s didn’t stand a chance against this level of hardness.

The ghost’s didn’t stand a chance against this level of hardness.

Happy Ash Wednesday! Our homie Danielle got some rad footage from our Vegas weekender back in January! Also, here's a sneak peak of one of the new songs, "Mo...

Episode 40 - Ghost Hunting With Se Vende

When I asked Jonny, of the San Diego punk rock band Se Vende, whether or not he believed in ghosts his reply scared me silly. Jonny had quite the ghostly experience in an old, abandoned warehouse he lived in many years ago. The warehouse is still there, still abandoned, but not completely uninhabited, if you catch my drift. Something spooky is going on in the “Meat Locker”, the most menacing sounding warehouse I’ve ever heard of. In this episode, I’m joined by Jonny, Collin and Bre of Se Vende, plus Bre’s sister, Chloe, on a weird walkthrough of the extremely creepy warehouse of doom. We made it out without any problems, but we were prepared - which begs the question - are YOU prepared and brave enough to listen? I double dog dare you. This episode also features two songs by Se Vende, a section on how to ghost hunt, the history of the Meat Locker and then audio of the ghost hunt itself. Press play, if you dare. Check out these links -

Se Vende - https://sevende.bandcamp.com/

3110 Printing - Custom t-shirts and so much more! - https://www.facebook.com/thirtyonetenprinting/

Sticker Junkie - Best stickers, best prices, simply the best! - https://stickerjunkie.com/

You think you have what it takes to hunt ghosts, tough guy? Read this first - https://www.ghostsandgravestones.com/how-to-ghost-hunt

the meat locker.jpg
Scariest chair I’VE ever seen.

Scariest chair I’VE ever seen.

Jonny and Collin of Se Vende, now experienced ghost huinters!

Jonny and Collin of Se Vende, now experienced ghost huinters!

Oh, this isn’t creepy, right?

Oh, this isn’t creepy, right?

Left overs from the glory days of squatdom.

Left overs from the glory days of squatdom.

Episode 39 - The History Of Tiltwheel Part 7

The history of Tiltwheel continues in this, the 7th chapter of the Tiltwheel saga. This episode covers new bass player Paul Trash ‘77 and his first year in the band, the year 2003. Do we get drunk often in this episode? Oh you betcha. Do we travel to destinations exotic and mundane? Yes indoodley. Do I poop my pants at a superbowl party in this episode? Touchdown and yes! This episode also features two fun and funky Tiltwheel songs, “Hold My Hand To Make Them Go Away” and “Boat In Boiling Water”. Now, shut up, get in the van and pass me a beer. We’re going on a little trip down (hazy) memory lane. Here are some links for you -

Grabass Charlestons - https://www.discogs.com/artist/1295491-Grabass-Charlestons

Billy Reese Peters - https://www.discogs.com/artist/2243597-Billy-Reese-Peters

Watch It Burn - https://www.discogs.com/artist/2243629-Watch-It-Burn

NOTstalgia podcast! - https://open.spotify.com/show/6JtnsRXykwFRQ2lOq6xdYU

Mouse And Monkey Button Co. - https://mmbuttonco.com/

Red Brontosaurus Records - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Punk Rock Bowling #5, the year was 2003. L-R Gabe Rock, me (Bob), Brooke, Josh

Punk Rock Bowling #5, the year was 2003. L-R Gabe Rock, me (Bob), Brooke, Josh

Two great bands that taste great together!

Two great bands that taste great together!

Accepting all the porn as Tiltwheel’s spokesdrunk, PRB 2003.

Accepting all the porn as Tiltwheel’s spokesdrunk, PRB 2003.

Paul and I, note the shirts. Must’ve been right after the Grabass / Billy Reese Peters tour. Aren’t we cute!

Paul and I, note the shirts. Must’ve been right after the Grabass / Billy Reese Peters tour. Aren’t we cute!

Fest #2 shirts off party

Fest #2 shirts off party

Drinking in Chico pre-show. WIB Tour winter of 2003/2004. Gabe Rock is in the middle. Drunk.

Drinking in Chico pre-show. WIB Tour winter of 2003/2004. Gabe Rock is in the middle. Drunk.

Bob MacphersonComment
Episode 38 - The Valentine's Day Special

When you buy that “special someone” a Valentine’s Day card or box of chocolates, besides being a good partner, did you know you’re taking part in a holiday that is around 600 years old? Sort of true! Just like this episode is filled with songs that are “sort of” love songs, welcome to the Valentine’s Day Special, I Wanna Party With Bob style! Sad Girlz Club from Sacramento, California, Turncoat from Japan, Lost Avenue from Ireland, Legacy from Columbia, Broccoli from Scotland and Leatherface from England, this episode is an international lovers delight. Featuring a short interview with (most of) the bands, plus a song or two by each band, prepare to get cozy and fall in love with these bands for the first time, or, all over again. Each song has something to do with love, a facet of love at the very least, so light the fireplace, break out the bubbly and let’s get this Valentine’s Day started in style. XOXOXO Bob. PS - Here’s your links to the bands and this episode’s sponsors -

Sad Girlz Club - https://sadgirlzclub.bandcamp.com/

Turncoat - https://turncoat-fnd.bandcamp.com/

Lost Avenue - https://lostavenuelrr.bandcamp.com/

Legacy - https://www.facebook.com/legacyhorrorpunk/

Broccoli - https://broccoli.keekmerch.com/?fbclid=IwAR2limzBk83pAR9BdLHLwFXzJmSIHl4BiNzqDKoukXAxeSooIpZtUVx93JE

Leatherface - https://leatherface.bandcamp.com/

Plan 9 Alehouse - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

Sticker Junkie - https://stickerjunkie.com/

Sad Girlz Club - photo by Erik Caballero

Sad Girlz Club - photo by Erik Caballero

Sad Girlz Club's "Again" from the album "Hard Feelings" out now on Bomp Pop Records. Listen Here Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/hard-feelings/...

Lost Avenue

Lost Avenue

New single out on Little Rocket Records. http://www.littlerocketrecords.co.uk https://wearelostavenue.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/lostavenue


Legacy, es una banda de horror punk, de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, Colombia, para más información visita: https://www.facebook.com/legacyhorrorpunk/ Mons...

broccoli home.jpg

Broccoli 'Television' Yaso, Kyoto, Japan 2016


Leatherface - "Not Superstitous" Durham Punk Festival 15/09/2012

Episode 37 - Ghosts Of Mesa Verde

Let’s take a spiritual and mystical journey to the mysterious Mesa Verde. Mesa Verde was home to thousands of the Ancestral Puebloan people - who up and disappeared, more or less all at once. What!?!? This is true. You’ll get the scoop on what happened to these people in this episode. Plus, a ghostly encounter my family had during a recent visit to Mesa Verde. Spooky. Best of all, two songs by the band Planes Mistaken For Stars and an interview with Captain of the good ship PMFS, Gared O’Donnell. Come for the stories, stay for the music kind of thing, you betcha. A condensed history of Mesa Verde and the incredible cliff dwellings that made Mesa Verde famous is also in this one. Here are some links!

Planes Mistaken For Stars Official Website - http://planesmistakenforstars.net/

Planes Mistaken For Stars Bandcamp - https://planesmistakenforstars.bandcamp.com/

Planes Mistaken For Stars Discogs - https://www.discogs.com/artist/255492-Planes-Mistaken-For-Stars

Mesa Verde National Park - https://www.nps.gov/meve/index.htm

Sticker Junkie! Use Code BOBCAST for $10.00 off of your order, or BOBCAST10 for 10% off of your order! - https://stickerjunkie.com/

Red Brontosaurus Records - Buy one used DVD, get ond used DVD FREE if you mention the Bobcast! - http://www.redbrontosaurus.com/

Would you like some beefcake with your Mesa Verde?

Would you like some beefcake with your Mesa Verde?

Cliff Palace in all of it’s majesty.

Cliff Palace in all of it’s majesty.

The band of the episode is the jaw-droppingly good Planes Mistaken For Stars. The episode has two songs, “Fucking Tenderness” and “She Who Steps”, plus an interview with Gared!

The band of the episode is the jaw-droppingly good Planes Mistaken For Stars. The episode has two songs, “Fucking Tenderness” and “She Who Steps”, plus an interview with Gared!

February 22, 2019 - Planes Mistaken For Stars perform live at The Wiltern Theater, Los Angeles, California, opening for The Sound of Animals Fighting. https:...

Jeez. LOTS of paranormal activity in Coyote Village! Plus, the Ancestral Puebloans REALLY liked the Misfits?

Jeez. LOTS of paranormal activity in Coyote Village! Plus, the Ancestral Puebloans REALLY liked the Misfits?

Ceremonial stone, or gateway to the underworld? Only the ancient ones know for sure…

Ceremonial stone, or gateway to the underworld? Only the ancient ones know for sure…

Episode 36 - Skate And Destroy Pt. 2

When I was a rebellious teenager in the late 1980’s, I did some stuff of questionable legality. No, let me rephrase that - I did a bunch of stupid stuff and got into a bunch of trouble. Trouble is funny, especially in hindsight? Indeed. Starting with working at my favorite skate shop and managing the shop’s sposored skater team, concluding with a few of the misadventures I had with my friend and pro skater Gator (yes, THAT Gator). This episode could be a road map of what NOT to do if you are looking to avoid run-ins with the law. Call this episode a cautionary tale. I called it fun. This episode also features a brief interview with Kevin Seconds (done via e-mail and read by me), plus a few 7 Seconds songs from the 80’s as an added bonus. Here are some links for Mr. Kevin Seconds and all the rad stuff he does -

7 Seconds Discogs - https://www.discogs.com/artist/253271-7-Seconds

7 Seconds on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1ByqGbfU0crCY2zEr0U8Sv

Kevin Seconds on Facebook, a good portal to Kevin’s stuff - https://www.facebook.com/officialkevinseconds/

Gator in VC Pool, I think? Transworld Skateboarding of the late 1980’s.

Gator in VC Pool, I think? Transworld Skateboarding of the late 1980’s.

THE Rock Socks stickers. They were everywhere in those days.

THE Rock Socks stickers. They were everywhere in those days.

I was wearing a reggae shirt. Someone should’ve punched me.

I was wearing a reggae shirt. Someone should’ve punched me.

Taken at Derby Park in Santa Cruz, CA 1987/1988?

Taken at Derby Park in Santa Cruz, CA 1987/1988?

Trying really, really hard to break my fingers here.

Trying really, really hard to break my fingers here.

iTunes: http://smarturl.it/7seconds-my-aim Merch: http://riserecords.merchnow.com/catalogs/7-seconds We've got our PMA We gotta spread this shit around And make it more than just some slogan on a shirt We've got our PMA It's not a new philosophy Still amazing that you treat people like dirt I struggle on but I can see the

Episode 35 - Grumpster, Sarchasm and Get Married

Grumpster, Sarchasm and Get Married, oh my! Three of the nicest and bestest bands playing music and doing rad stuff on the DIY punk circuit these days. If this episode was an awards ceremony, here are the awards each band would win - Grumpster - Best Pop Punk of the 21st century. Sarchasm - Nicest People On Earth. Get Married - Most Members For A Non-Ska Band. All the bands on this episode appear on the Asian Man Records release “Friendsplit” and the other thing they have in common? They all bring the ROCK in the best possible way. Short interview questions I did with the band (read by me) and two songs per band is what you’ll find in this episode. Listen. Photo above is the cover of the “Friendsplit” 7” plus three photos by Oddbotkin taken at 924 Gilman. Here are some links!

Buy “Friendsplit” Here! - https://asianmanrecords.limitedrun.com/products/656294-v-a-friendsplit-grumpster-get-married-sarchasm-danger-inc

Grumpster Bandcamp - https://grumpster.bandcamp.com/

Sarchasm Bandcamp - https://sarchasm.bandcamp.com/

Get Married Bandcamp - https://getmarried.bandcamp.com/

Plan 9 Alehouse! Best beer in town! - http://www.plan9alehouse.com/

StickerJunkie - best stickers and don’t forget to use codes BOBCAST or BOBCAST10 for the discount deal of the century! - https://stickerjunkie.com/

A bunch of the photos on this episode’s page are courtesy of the incredible Oddbotkin. Go here and order some prints! - https://oddbotkin.wixsite.com/photography

Sarchasm at 924 Gilman - photo courtesy of Oddbotkin

Sarchasm at 924 Gilman - photo courtesy of Oddbotkin

Get Married at 924 Gilman - photo courtesy of Oddbotkin

Get Married at 924 Gilman - photo courtesy of Oddbotkin

Grumpster playin at 924 Gilman - photo courtesy of Oddbotkin

Grumpster playin at 924 Gilman - photo courtesy of Oddbotkin

From the forthcoming LP "Underwhelmed" out Nov. 8th, 2019. Pre order at http://www.smarturl.it/grump filmed by Grumpster edited by Devin Zamora

Sarchasm "Beach Blanket Bummer Pop!" LP/CD/CASS Order at asianmanrecords.limitedrun.com

Directed and Edited by Tommy Calderon. http://tcalderonphoto.com/ Taken from the forthcoming LP "Songs For the Sleepless" out August 17th on Asian Man Records / Wiretap Records.

Bob Macpherson Comment
Episode 34 - Danger Inc. Interview

Danger Inc. is quite a fantastic band and quite a fantastic group of people. Don’t let the name fool you - the only thing dangerous about them is you could die of kindness and laughter while in their presence. Wait, though I should say, their music will assuredly kick you in the ass and leave you by the side of the road, wondering what the hell just hit you. Yes, they are THAT good. We talked about a ton of good stuff - Star Wars, burritos, Taco Bell, So Cal vs. Nor Cal, anal leakage (what?), how to properly get paid at a punk show and so much more. Check out deez linkz -

The band! Here they be - https://dangerinc.bandcamp.com/ and Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/1FvGd49dHFp1vBO5058YOd

The photo up top was taken by Erik Caballero, he’s rad - https://www.instagram.com/erikhcaballero/

David’s page - hire him, he does rad stuff!! - https://www.davidtercero.com/

DANGER INC. - "Your Boy" from the 4 way friendsplit with Grumpster, Get Married, and Sarchasm. Order at asianmanrecords.liimtedrun.com

Duuuuuude! Records that come with action figures? I’m in!

Duuuuuude! Records that come with action figures? I’m in!

Live Danger! Photo credit https://www.keepitposi.com/photos

Live Danger! Photo credit https://www.keepitposi.com/photos