Episode 120 - Paranormal Ponderings V - UFOs with Aaron Gulyas

UFOs fall under the (very large) umbrella that is “The Paranormal”. There, I said it. I guess it’s not really a controversial opinion, it’s just that many people don’t think of UFOs from a “paranormal” point of view. Why not? Paranormal is simply defined as “something science can’t explain” and if that ain’t THE definition of UFO, I don’t know what is. Regardless, this Bobcast episode is another dive into the realm of the paranormal, this time all about UFOs. Aaron Gulyas, author, educator, historian and host of The Saucer Life podcast joins us to talk a little about conspiricies, UFO lore, UFO history and creepy black Cadillacs. Music of the episode is provided by those Canadian Creeps, The Band From Planet X. Brought to you by Good Life Digestive Health. Here are some OUT OF THIS WORLD links -

Listen to The Saucer Life HERE

Buy Aaron’s books HERE

Check out The Band From Planet X on BANDCAMP

Good Life Digestive Health WEBSITE


“I Wanna Party With Bob Theme” written and performed by Se Vende.

The Band From Planet X appear courtesy of themselves.

Intro & outro music - Ghost Surf Rock by Loyalty Freak Music está posteada bajo una licencia Creative Commons.