Riverside, California is home to a triad of turds, a trio of titilating troubadors - Turkish Techno, Tracy Soto and Cigarette Machine. In this episode, I’m joined by Andy and Roger of ALL of these bands. That’s right, these workaholic music people have their paws in a three band sized pot of honey. Oh, the bands all sound oh-so sweet. Solid pop-punk / melodic punk just like all the bands you love, but better. There are two songs by Turkish Techno and two songs by Tracy Soto - Cigaette Machine has yet to record any tuneage. These songs will get the job done, no joke. Green Day trivia is also in this episode, up to the “Warning” era. Most importantly, we talk about white privilage and interacting with the police cops - and how much different things would be for us were we POC. Protests, Gen Z and fixing shit are also on the menu here. Here are some link to the bands and this episode’s PSAs -
Turkish Techno Bandcamp - https://turkishtechno.bandcamp.com/
Tracy Soto Bandcamp - https://tracysoto.bandcamp.com/releases
Riverside African American Historical Society - https://raahsinc.org/
Mutual Aid Network Los Angeles - https://www.mutualaidla.org/english
Turkish Techno!!
This is the Tracy Soto cop shirt Andy was talking about
Aaron Ohio is wearing the infamous “DIX, DIX, DIX” shirt in this one. I love Aaron Ohio, for the record.