Episode 75 - Bonus Episode - Sarchasm "Sarchasm" or "LP4" Full Record Listening Party Woooo
I Wanna Party With Sarchasm! I have kinda sorta done that? Via a show Tiltwheel played with them in December of 2019, a Bobcast interview and trivia contest in early 2020 and several songs that I’ve played on the Bobcast over the last several months. Let’s party a little harder with these fine folks in this episode with a presentation in full of the brand new Sarchasm full length record, “Sarchasm” or “LP4”. What a record this is, lemme tell you. Here’s the track listing -
1. Wither (In D) 2. Scorpio Texas Ranger 3. Us Too 4. Belong 5. I Hate It Here 6. Blacklist 7. Green Hornet 8. When’s My Right Time Kent? 9. Spy Vs. Spy 10. Song To Wash Your Hands To 11. Please Hold 12. Supertramp
Buy the new record here - https://sarchasm.bandcamp.com/ here - https://sarchasm.bigcartel.com/ or here - https://asianmanrecords.limitedrun.com/products/676711-sarchasm-s-t-lp-cd
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